Apostate Literature

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sargon

    (Is it possible after researching the net on JW beliefs, background and reading apostate information that a JW would still research the Bible and find Watchtower teachings as truth?)

    This question basically relates to peoples interpretations of facts and what is truth. The old saying 'you can't see the forest for the
    trees'. You might tell someone: Hey look there's a forest! and they answer back: Where, all I see are a bunch of trees.

    They faught like warrior poets...and gained their freedom.

  • Smudgee

    You know, I tried to talk to my still-JW sister about this very thing. I found that I have to put little tidbits at a time out there for her to mull over. For instance, she had no idea that WTBTS was once a UN-NGO. She was shocked. But I didn't elaborate; in fact, I changed the subject completely. She did say that at least JWs were part of an organization that adjusted its views when necessary, "as the light shines ever brighter". I know what you're thinking -- I thought it, too! But I was a good girl and kept my mouth shut... Afterall, the WTBTS admit they're wrong?! Never!!

    I think knowing when to talk about it and when to leave it alone may lead to her exit yet. We'll see.


  • collegegirl

    Like most everyone else, I think whether a person accepts all the WTS has to say or not has to do with the kind of person he or she is. If one researches and finds out about all the falsehoods that are portrayed as infallible "truth," I don't see how one could still believe. But, the organization has so completelty and successfully brainwashed so many people that, even after finding out what is so wrong with everything, some can push all that onto the back burner and jsut say that it is all satan's influence... It is sad, very very sad. And scary....


    YO-yo/yadirf/sexy-teen/jerome,ect ect=Otnot the troll.One troll many personas."One Troll Nation,One Troll." Otnot the troll..LOL...OUTLAW

  • DIM

    very true collegegirl.....its sort of funny to watch them come up with excuses as to why it must be "the truth"

  • butalbee

    The real truth is only the truth, if the individual opens theirs eyes and actually sees it, understands it, and accepts it, otherwise it's just apostate literature.

  • Nemesis

    Smudgee: I think your method has more chance at getting deep into the mind than many others do. A good illustration would be to compare the damaging info on the Watch Tower organization to a seed that must be planted and grown like any parallel subject.

    For instance—all the info many here are aware of would be like trying to plant a fully-grown giant redwood in someone’s small back garden. Their instant reaction would be shock, and then rejection, as we see happens a lot when there is information overload. But if we casually plant a small seed, and make sure it is watered and fed with small amounts of information. In time as it grows it looks not much of a threat, as it’s just a sapling. After time with more growth and food, it becomes rather bigger [but not shocking] and still accepted, but more in the consciousness. In more time it’s a large semi-mature tree, the owner cannot ignore it anymore, it’s there big as life, solid, immovable, and alive, and more importantly it’s now considered their tree on their property—they have adopted it since being a seedling. They then have to deal with it, if they try to cut it down their house goes with it [conscience] and it would still be there, solid, real, massive and impossible to ignore.

    That’s the hardest part, sowing the seeds, and not trying to shove a massive tree in someone’s garden just because we know it’s real. They cannot handle the whole lot at once, and will not take ownership to such a large shocking structure of information. Use Jesus parable of seeds, it works both ways. Then we have a much larger chance of helping others see the real truth, and helping them to get some freedom back in their lives, and hopefully a happy productive life outside of the Watchtower Org.

  • Smudgee

    There's a second part to my above comment but the UPS man came knocking on my door... When I questioned my ex-husband about the WTBTS being affiliated with the UN and being an NGO, he said,"You've been reading that damned apostate crap on the net, haven't you?" So much for throwing pearls to swine. I was verrry tempted to say, "Gee, you have been too! Goodie for you!"

    I had so much inner turmoil after I left JWs because I still believed that they had the "Truth." I was attending another church and their ever-present cross bothered me. So my initial research that led to my eyes ultimately being open about the WTBTS was on the Roman cross/torture stake. Found out the WTBTS lied about that and floodgates of curiosity opened. Know the old adage, "Faithful in little, faithful in much"? After my research on that, I became resolved to question everything and everybody (at least in my mind -- can't go around pickin' fights, ya know.)


    "I'm really not a black heart; I'm just a little smudged is all"

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