Nowfree I have and JWs do exit or cut support, some quickly but most within a few months. The items should be mailed all at once. Most will read them even after elders beg them not to. In fact it only makes them more curious.
Has anyone circulated factsheet to local JW's?
by Nowfree 23 Replies latest jw friends
Nowfree, some of those posting negatively may be working for the Watchtower to try to dissuade you from action. Count on it. Now here's a nice little leaflet or flyer that has worked:
SHOCKING FACTS TOLD OUT OF LOVE TO THE CONGREGATION & PUBLIC: The Watchtower Society (WTS) over Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) cover up child molestation and let pedophiles go door-to-door They say God opposes the UN but, until exposed, in 1991-2001 were a formal UN associate not just to use the UN's library as proved if you will read the Nov 22, 1998 Awake magazine closely and for the 2nd entry there. 1 Cor 6:1 only says judge "trivial" things as in business, James 2:4-13 calls judging harmful, and Paul says the "majority" (2 Cor 2:6) followed his advice to shun a wrongdoer, meaning a Minority chose not to and yet he nowhere condemns them; in contrast the WTS has formal Judicial Committes destroying families via numerous formal renderings of disfellowshipment (severe shunning).
Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Sam 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve & no verses show God not forgiving them. Christ says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread & that God wants Mercy Not Sacrifice. (Mt 12) The May 22, 1994 Awake tells of 26 JW kids who died without transfusions, & by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives About 3 JWs die daily earthwide from the unscriptural policy! (Blood On The Altar by David Reed) Why must anyone be endangered? JWs can form nonWTS groups united by LOVE, join another group or decrease donations and support to the WTS. Please make & use copies of this for years ahead. It was written out of love for our JW families & friends as well as the public's - yours too!
A few years back I sent similar e-mails to about 100 JWs whose addresses I found in guestbooks on Internet. In this mail I informed politely and very briefly about and told that this website contained vital information for them.
Most of the receivers didn't answer, but some of them responded furiously and with great hostilty. One was even threatening me. One or two happend to be in a personal situation where the blood transfusions issue was a most actual question, and asked me what to do.
JT is right!
You shouldent give a flyer to an active jw unless you can sense that he/she are having doubts.
I tried it and it pushed them further into the truth. It only further proves the point of the world versus jws even more.
Making more people in your community aware of the errors of the watchtower way or handing out flyers to the local community groups I think is a much better approach.
You say that jws are trained to behave a certain way when confronted with anti watchtower information... well that as far as i can see is 1000% correct.
What is even worse is that they do not care if it is true or not but they are more concerned with where it came from.
It makes no sense to push them into a wall buy forcing them to confront factual information which is critical to their belief that the watchtower has the sole approval of God. When you back them into a corner in a discussion and they have no where else to go they will break all ties with you. This is a regular occurence at the door to door confrontation. When they know your right [subconciously that is]
they wont come back to your home.Hand out the flyers to community groups and churches not to active jws, that is unless you dont want the witness to come back.
Have you ever seen the fear in their eyes. Its haunting.
Flyers are more trouble than they are worth dont waste the paper.
For every 3 in 100 you save you will make it harder for somone to else to make any impression on the other 97.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.
sf & Perry are right. These fliers can work for other purposes such as educating the general public, or if a JW were to casually find them. I think those are great ideas.
And despite anewperson's insult, I am not working for the Watchtower Society, and neither is JT, as anyone who has followed our posting history for the past five years would know. It's easy to make false accusations when people disagree with you, but JT and I know what we are talking about. We've seen how active JWs respond when this kind of material is forced upon them. It does more harm that good.
What sf and Perry suggest is a much more effective idea.
newperson says:
Nowfree, some of those posting negatively may be working for the Watchtower to try to dissuade you from action.
this comment is too funny
we merely gave some pros and cons and now we get dogged for giving advice on an issue that many of us know about cause we have BEEN THERE DONE That WHEN it comes to force feeding a jw
new person we are not being negative in telling them NOT TO SEND FLIERS just realistic in what we have seen WORK AND DONT' WORK
i WOULD NEVER TELL SOMEone NOT to send them, but i would let them know what works best.
i think it just might help someone, but if you think a FACT SHEET matters to the avg jw THEN ON THAT POINT YOU ARE WRONG,
BUT HEY if he has the time to do it great,
an Yes i used to be a SOCIETY'S MAN
Anyone who has not been involved with a high control group like the JWs would find it difficult to appreciate how hard it is to get information like this into their heads. When reason and logic won't work it is incredibly frustrating.
I think some are driven to do the flyer thing almost out of a sense of duty like they tried to do what they could. I would have to agree that it is for the most part pretty futile.
People rarely leave this religion overnight or after reading something. It is a long road that is taken over many months, usually after some bad experience. When the time is right, people will search for the answers and find them.
You know how they say a person can't benefit from therapy until they first admit to themselves that they have a problem and seek the help themselves? I think the same is true for JWs leaving. Years ago if JT and I had had a factsheet thrust into our hands it wouldn't have done a bit of good. Yet here we are now. So what happened? When we were ready for the information, we sought it out, used it and moved on.
Information is out there for anyone who wants to know the truth about the WTS. When people are emotionally ready to leave, they will leave. When they are not ready, pushing them will just drive them back into the folds of the Society.
This is just my opinion, of course, and I could be wrong. And as I said earlier there will always be anecdotal evidence that a few individuals learned the truth about the religion this way. But everything in my experience as a JW tells me that this is a method that does more harm than good. It's like trying to break JWs in a concentration camp: the harder they push, the more the JWs dig in. Those same JWs later fell away when they had the freedom to do what they wanted.
I think most people are like this. When they are ready, nothing will stop them from leaving. When they are not ready, nothing you do can force them to change. This is frustrating to us who now know better. Why can't they see the facts?, we ask. Well, they can't see the facts because the WTS has affected their thinking and prepared them precisely for the sort of tactics that are being suggested in this thread. You play right into their hands when you force this issue. When they are ready, they will be ready. You can't fight human nature.
Seeker say's:
It's easy to make false accusations when people disagree with you
******************************************************************BOY arn't that the truth!!!
I can only speak from years of experience ;)
You can stand on street corners right beside them and hand a flyer out with each and every watchtower that is handed out...ALL DAY LONG.
Most people will read NEITHER!
Those who are looking for some spirituality they may feel is lacking in there lives will read the watchtower
Those who who don't care about reading the watchtower won't give a hoot about any flyer that warns about the watchtower.The only people who might look at a flyer twice or go so far as reading one seriously would definitely be someone who is either Leaving Anyway, or someone who has a family member or closer friend who they want to influence. And even under those circumstances it would be approached with great caution.
Keep in mind I'm not for it nor against it. This is a purely objectionable opinion based a Masters from TSOHKs.Have you considered narrowing down a more specific "target" audience? That may be a better more productive route.
"The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kin Hubbard