i was walking through a busy part of london this morning at 8am, the mainstreets were full of commuters and workers on their way to begin their day. of course out in full force were the cheaply dressed jw young pioneers. all sporting battered cases and a wodge of mags in hand. trouble is i never saw any of them do any wittnessing to anyone! the people passing them were all nationalites and types. yet the jw's just drifted up and down the busy street lanquidly. occasionaly i thought one of them had got up the courage to speak to one of the throng being disgorged from the rail station. yet they would drop out of their 'bee line' before even getting close to them?i doubt any of them managed to talk to anyone or place any mags. but im sure that they all counted their hours . what happened to the zealous pioneers that used to grab people out of the station? how the mighty have fallen! you wonder why they even bother? still im sure as soon as starbucks opened they moved quickly enough to get in there!
jw's who are reluctant to wittness
by londonlady 10 Replies latest jw friends
"what happened to the zealous pioneers that used to grab people out of the station?"
The only ones that are zealous are the older ones that MUST be zealous because they have nothing else to live for and the newly baptized ones that are hopped up on "spiritual caffeine". Most of the young pioneers are born ins. They....at this point in their lives are like Neo when he first meets Morpheus. They know something isn't quite right but they can't put their finger on it. But they have been mind controlled long enough to know that they'd better just tow the line and not worry about it because that's what Jehovah wants them to do. Therefore you have droves of teenage and early twenty somethings that simply go through the motions because they are told that doing so will grant them everlasting life. Yet none of them have learned how to think critically. If they had....they might say to themselves....."really? God approves of me? I spend hours walking up and down this street....hoping NOT to talk to anyone just so I can turn in a magic number that will make the leaders in my congregation pat me on the back......and this is what God wants?"
I recall 7 or 8 years ago....our CO was in town. Overall congregation hours in field circus were down. His talk on Thursday night was aimed at getting us to increase those hours. He spent minutes on end guilting the congregation by saying that if we didn't go in service we are blood guilty. He finished by special pleading. He said (not verbatim) "Even if you don't like going out in service....even if you hate it.....go anyways. It is a requirement of Jehovah's! He knows how you feel. And it makes him happy when you fight that feeling to do what He wants"
It is simply amazing how the attitude has changed in the last 20 or 30 years. It used to be that if you admitted that you didn't like going in service....it was because Jehovah wasn't blessing you because of something YOU were or weren't doing. It was because you didn't go out enough. It was because you weren't spiritually strong. You were virtually treated as an outcast. Now......MOST witnesses don't like going out in service. The beatings stopped improving morale so they had to take another approach. Now the approach is a special plead. Suddenly it's ok not to like service......we'll console you and tell you we understand.......but for the sake of everlasting life (dangled carrot)....you need to suck it up and go.
Black Sheep
We should keep each other informed as to where to find street Witlesses so that those of us who are bored, or feel a bit bolshy, can go and have a friendly chat and discuss the latest definition of a generation or what constitutes blood etc..
They should be frightened to send their kids out proselytizing.
Bungi Bill
"JWs who are reluctant to witness"
From what I have noticed of late, thay would be almost all of them!
what part of London you referring to Londonlady? because I've seen JW's in Central London in 18 years of working there 3 times, 2 close to my workplace (Green Park tube) and once at Victoria Station.
On another thread Splane (whose name should be X Splane) is saying Matt 24 is fulfilled, so I guess they can fanny about any way they like and still count their time so Jehoober doesn't zap them at the Big A.
The last JW I saw on the street (not London, small town) was an old weird looking lady trying to hand out small tracts, no one was taking them so she wandered off in to a charity shop to view her next wardrobe, she favoured the deranged hippy look, still counting her time I bet
Headquarters sends them out into a minefield without any proper equipment.
Look at the mags, written at a 6th grade reading level at best. Can't wait til the new 16 page editions come out, they will look even more flimsy and amatuer-ish.
And what about that "reasoning" book in their bag. That thing is a ticking time bomb if they come across an "apostate" that can get them to look up the "generation" teaching which still says its tied to 1914.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
In reply to thread title I've got one word that pretty much sums it up,
Hey Londonlady, you didnt finish replying to your "Any south Londoners here" thread.
I work in Westminster myself.
They get to count their time if they just stand there.
No need to annoy people further by actually talking to them...