Recently, I showed a great deal of vulnerability by posting that severe pain had popped out again and my morphine pump needs some tinkering. It seems I am attacked with some frequency for posting here but other frequent posters are not. Rather than discuss the merits of a subject, some people engage in personal attack. The response to my pain announcement post was very heart warming. It helped me so much. I hate showing any vulnerability here b/c of personal attacks.
A Bible Student and others could not argue with the merits of my position on the First Amendment and targeting a single religion to lose tax exemption. This is one area of law I know well. A Bible Student and others could not trounce me on the merits. There is no reason why they should know advanced Establishment Clause law. Law school left me with sketchy basics. Actual practice required intense research into the area. My gut reaction b/c of the Witness and the Court at the time was separatism reigns. No more. Other lawyers have remaked to me how shocked they were when they did research. I thought Roberts, Scalia, and Alito were crazy. My research led me to believe that there was merit to their arguments. Thomas is just out in outer space.
I posted b/c I feel it is very important for citizens to know this area of civics. Rather than engage me, I was ridiculed for being in pain. My pain has been active for one and a half weeks. My exposure to this topic started in college, a very long time ago. I am not allowed to say what I know. No one has to agree with me. The personal attack based on short illness. One of the main reasons morphine pumps are installed is that there are no side effects compared to severe side effects with oral opiates. I would welcome a discussion on the merits.
A Bible Student attacked or ridiculed the credentials of anyone who disagreed with his petition. An accounting position is now a sin.
My family suffered serious persecution, including prison, for being Witnesses. Business law never interested me. I was always trying to stop the persecution that was patently unfair. Call my analysis shabby. Quote from a Supreme Court case that proves me wrong. B/c far better I goof up here and make a mistake than in the real world. I believe that attacking someone for being temporarily ill and b/c my relatives went to prison is fundamentally unfair. What is humorous about this exchange is that one would think I had transformed into James Woods or Botchtower. Conservative views were just popping out of me.
Sometimes you have to know that, despite your passion, your time is wasted. Dialogue is not sought. Time to brush off your feet and move on. I confess I tend to stick it out too long.
Vigorous debate, misunderstandings are one thing. Picking on a person's illness or the sad experience of family members is low. If my WT experience enraged me to practice law, I am glad. One would never find me getting worked up about securities law or antitrust law. Sometimes the discourse is so low here, I want to flee forever. I recall all the brilliant and varied posts that have so educated me.