Video to Promote e-Petition re: UK Charitable Status of JW's
by cantleave 48 Replies latest jw friends
Watching it now, great work cantleave!
[edit post: Would it be worth putting a link to the petition directly under the video? Just an idea!]
It's excellent, cantleave. Well done!
This is something people can forward to friends and family, if their family are not still "in". People can "like" it on Facebook, tweet it on Twitter and do other clever things. It could go onto many websites, if anyone has one. Many websites are flexible enough to have a general interest area, whatever the main subject material, and there are often ways of tying things in.
I am doing exactly that. Not the Twitter thing, I haven't yet learned the art of tweeting, but I know those who can and do and who may well spread it.
It needs to "go viral". Let's hope it will!
Edit: I've sent some emails round especially to people who are good at spreading a word and who I think might feel strongly about this.
Thought it might help to have a link to the actual petition too, though I know it's on the Youtube site. Here goes...
Just sent this over to Atheism UK, National Secular Society and British Humanist Association. < This is something anyone can do, no matter what country you live in. But getting one of those organizations behind the petition would really boost the numbers.
Amelia Ashton
Excellent job Angus.
Well done Angus ! I love the tone, and the easy to understand way you explain how the cult works, so many of the public think they are harmless, if slightly dotty, people just flogging their brand of Xianity, they do not realise what you bring to their attention.
No way does the WT in the U.K deserve charitable status, I doubt it does anywhere in the world.
Come on U.K residents, sign the petition, and get as many others to sign it as you can !
Forwarding it to local politicians you think might be sympathetic works. One of the ones I sent it to a couple of hours ago has emailed me to say she is signing it and forwarding it on too.
I forwarded her the links to video and petition, and wrote a bit about it, including the fact that not allowing JW's to vote or take part in political activities removed from them their civic rights.
A similar tack might work elsewhere, and if you know the person personally, so much the better and you can tailor your wording to suit each person.
I think we can make a difference and get things going!