This subject has come up on several different threads, and I thought it might make an interesting topic. I've experienced sleep paralysis since I was quite little, but didn't know what it was until I was in my 30's. Since this is often mistaken for demons or alien visits, it sometimes soothes people to know that others experience it and there is a scientific explanation.
When it happens, it is extremely real. It is sounds, sights and sensations. Since the person is semi awake, they often see their own surroundings with some added details (hallucinations). It can be incredibly scary. But I found the fear factor dropped exponentially when I learned about it.
For me: I float above my bed, fly through what feels like tunnels, I rock quite violently, I've seen lights, flames, and dancing demons. I've felt presences, and felt them walk through my room or apartment. I even felt one enter my bedroom and sit on my bed, when my body seemed to shift toward the weight. Now I would have loved to have turned to fight of the attack, however I was completely paralyzed. No attack came, but I just laid there waiting.
the way I understand it, in normal sleep we go through cycles and during one of them we are paralyzed. This generally isn't a problem because we are sleeping and unaware---but I wake up. And that's when the fun begins.
Anyone else?