Need a little help from my friends....can you get in here and post Classic Rock (or other genres) songs with horns heavily featured.

by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Hi, TheClarinetist. I'm glad to see you are feeling feisty!

    I'm a bit puzzled by your comments. A lot of bands wayyyy back in the early 70s had actual horn sections, with 9 or 10 people in the band. This would include trumpets, saxophones, etc., especially in the funk genre.

    Is there a differentiation that should be made, that has something to do with woodwinds vs horns? I know you are a pro, and know what you are talking about. I play some instruments, but except for the tin whistle and recorder, they are limited to percussion, guitar and keyboards. I am quite ignorant of your classification.

    You have my curiosity aroused!


  • FlyingHighNow

    This isn't really a horn song, but it will page homage to your night under the trestle. Brooke Benton would be more like Ides of March as far as his voice goes. This song has more strings and some horns in the mix towards the end. Very rich and it makes me remember the time my neighbor's dad took us to his office one rainy night. We heard this song and he said to us, "Girls, this man can singggg."

  • TheClarinetist

    I've always been bothered by the use of the word "horns" for the wind section in a rock/jazz band, because the horn is actually an instrument in its own right... So I tried finding some songs that feature the actual instrument.

    Though while we're on the subject of "horns"...

    EDIT: And there's nothing per se wrong with calling it a horn section or horns. It's common usage. lol

  • talesin

    Kind of like Strauss Jr.'s Tales from Vienna Woods. I get it, and have always loved the french horns featured in that piece. Ciao!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Horn usually means any brass instrument, but can include sax when it comes to rock and roll.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Speaking of the french horn, here's a nice little song by The Who featuring the french horn. Keep listening: you will hear it beginning at 1:55. I love it. My sis played several brass instruments, but was especially gifted with the french horn. This is the first time I heard of The Who. My brothers bought a packet of three 45's at T, G & Y 5 and dime. Whiskey Man was one of them, with Happy Jack on the flip side. I've been a fan ever since. I think the year was 1967.

  • FlyingHighNow

    You said other genres, too. Here is a fabulous theme for a British tV show by Max Harris. This is beatnick jazz at its finest. This features the flute. You're gonna want to buy a black beret, black turtle neck, black skinny pants, socks and shoes, grow a goatee and start writing really way out poetry after hearing this:

  • Berengaria
  • FlyingHighNow

    Oooo, this could be what you're looking for. Chase - Get It On:

  • FlyingHighNow

    Here is another candidate. Big brass, similar to David Clayton Thomas and from the same couple of years as vehicle and Get It On by Chase:

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