That was somewhat specific info---but in no way enough to identify you. Just some locations---where hundreds and thousands of other JW's also play. deny deny deny.
Some "Publisher" Is A Rat Here! The Elder's Are Inquiring If I Am Apostate Material!
by Sunflower Samurai 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
You gotta love it how this organization is so loving, so joyful, yet it's members are scared to openly criticize it to the point that they're fearful of being found out on the internet. Such a loving organization, such a blessing to be a part of.
methinks he PM'd someone he should not have....
F*** the trolls!
That's a real threat coming from someone with a dildo on the head of their avatar.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
LOL Baltar
"Do you realize with a post like that, you are scaring potential posters away
that may want to share their experience..." WasBlind
I don't think this will scare away lurkers or potential posters, WasBlind.
I think it will suffice as "A Word to the Wise" - DON'T post PERSONAL DETAILS!!!
Well nugget is a mouse or shrew or something.....
I think that nugget is a hamster...???
They are shameless and so is the mole... anyway, you are innocent, aren't you?