im just wondering,how do you do it? how do you manage to convice them that your genuine? how do you manage to keep up that pretense without running screaming from the hall?
to all those who pretend to be jw's...
by londonlady 19 Replies latest jw friends
I've no clue....
I don't think I could have done it when I exited. However, being out for a long time has given me the freedom to see them pretty much for what they are - and allowed me to develop a sorely needed sense of humor....
I think that a sense of humor would be tantamount to surviving with one's sanity intact...
VERY hard to do, under a grim, self-important cult's efforts at total control.
That was a game I was unable to play.
When I began to suspect something was not right (even though I didn't have a clue how to define my suspicions), I immediately began to withdraw. I stopped talking to people. I would show up for meeting and then leave immediately. Quit commenting. Stopped field service. Soon I stopped Thursday nights. Then I only stayed for the sunday talk. Then I stopped going altogether. The whole process took about a year and I never realized it was called fading. I just couldn't stomach the place one piece at a time that's how I found myself out... physically, at least. The mental out came later.
I believed in that whore house so completel that when I began to see the cracks in the wall it blew my brains out. I never would have had the ability to play the game for the sake of maintaining family relationships. I was a disaster.
Londonlady, you ask a good question. I am also curious how some of you folks do it. Iron stomach? Morbid fear? Sheer force of will?
I couldn't do it either, from the time I wokd up to the time I was DF'd I probably only attended 5 meetings!
YKnot, Undercover, and a few others could explain it to us...
They're successful at remaining "undercover"...
While being suspicious but too scared to search the internet (in case a big bad apostate jumped out and dragged me down to hell) I found it very hard, I would look out of the windows (yes some stupid KH designers actually put them low enough so you can look out) and wonder what am I doing sitting here listening to this utter crap?? I was sick of wasting my life on JW shite but scared of upsetting the almighty by leaving his borg.
Then one day I learned TTATT and never set foot in a KH again, it was just before the memorial and I had never missed one in my 37 yrs in the borg. It was the best memorial night EVER!! I enjoyed every moment of sitting at home watching TV with my family and didnt ever feel guilty about borg crap again.
The ones who are enlightened and still go to the KH are usually the unfortunate ones trying to keep their families together. I think about those poor people everyday. It would just be the hardest thing, esp if they are still in a position, preaching or studying with someone.
Sir82 is COBOE. He is still in because of his JW wife.
Actually there are a lot of people there whose company I still enjoy. Of course, they would not likely enjoy my company anymore if they knew my (at least mental) position on TTATT. But still they are not bad people. Just slyly controlled and their thinking manipulated. I understand. I was there at one time, too.
What is TTATT, please?
Black Sheep
The Truth About The Truth