Whatever association happens must be done in cotton drill pants with a polo shirt tucked into them.
In all seriousness, Quendi has hit the nail on the head there. The single ones are told to deaden their body members by getting spiritually busy. Nothing kills the hormones like a chilly morning in field service. The underlying meaning of the WT texts regarding single people is that if you use your singleness to further the spread of the good news (auxiliary or regular pioneering, serving where the need is greater, construction), then you are a wonderful example to those who gave into their sexual desires and got married. If you use your singleness to enjoy the freedom of doing what you want when you want then undoubtedly you will soon be a sexually depraved drug taking denim skirt wearing martini drinker. If you are the latter, getting married will 'save' you from this fate.
As Long Haired Girl noted, single ladies are an especially low class citizen per the view of the Society. They are not good for much unless they can become a supporting wife to a husband. You know, the one that sits and smiles admiringly while he us up there giving his talks to the congregation and encouraging them. Pre-marriage, if you are a single sister who is in good spiritual standing, your value comes from being the chaperone for others - an awful position. Pre-marriage, if you are a single sister who us not in good standing, your value comes from being quiet and not being a cry baby to the elders who have more important things to do like looking after the celebrities in the congregation.
I grew up with a single mum. I always had this feeling like we were a charity case. It wasn't until many years later that Mama Winston was able to remarry. She wasn't chasing marriage, it found her when Papa Winston met her by accident. She had to move a long way away from the congregation where she came into the Truth before something happened. The congregation where she came into the Truth always viewed her as a single mum charity case, even years after we all grew up and left home.
Is the congregation loving and caring to single people? Only if they can be used for something.