yes interest one
They made a prophecy, Let's break it down ( simplified ), using the WTS literature and the bible
On page 133 in the Reasoning book the WTS has made it clear that they meet the qualifications of a true prophet
" Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired WORD of God"___Reasoning book page 199
They state
" Bible chronology ( from God's WORD ) also pinpointed in advance the time when certain important events in the fulfillment of God's purpose would take place."___________Reasoning book page 93 under the definintion
In all of the quotes I previously listed about 1914 from the reasoning book, the WTS just like Hananiah, used the word "WILL" while claiming to be a representative of Jehovah, they made it an absolute thing that was gonna happen, just by addin' that four letter word
Compare the qoutes
Jeremiah 28:2 " This is what Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel has said, ' I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon. within two full years more I am bringing back to this place all the utensils of the house of Jehovah..."
The WTS said
" The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered it's last days in 1914. And some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness it complete end in the great tribulation."_________reasoning book page 234
Again, Just like Hananiah, the WTS claim to represent Jehovah, Just like Hananiah the WTS claimed this came from God's WORDS. ( bible chronology )
And just like Hananiah, what the WTS claimed did not come true