Last Magazine Arrived Today

by out4good3 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • out4good3

    After I got home from work I looked in my mailbox and lo and behold what do I find.......the very last magazine from the now discontinued subscription of the Awake and WT. NO more will these magazines stack up on our kitchen table unread by my wife who claims to believe but almost never go to meetings. No more will these magazines stack up on the bottom of the bookcase in our study. No more will I have to box up these magazines that my wife refuses to throw away for some WT induced guilt trip reason that even she can't explain.

    She hasn't been to a meeting in awhile now and she says it's because she's lonely there with no one to talk to since I wont go with her. Lonely in a place that profess to have so much love for one another? She fails to realize that she's been marked by that congregation as bad association since she's not regular in either meetings or field service. And I'm not falling for the guilt trip again. That's how I was suckered into being a JW in the beginning. I refuse to let anyone, especially any religious organization quasi or otherwise, have that much control over my life...ever again. I lost about three valuable years of my life to that nonsense before I realized that they were full of crap.

    I wish that she'd just admit to herself that the pipedream perpetrated by the WTBTS of living in paradise soon, always soon, always just around the corner, if only you'd place that one extra magazine, or spent that extra hour in field service, has lost it's luster even for her. It breaks my heart to see her struggling with her conscience with even the most mundane decisions she have to make, always torn between what she really wants to do and what the Society would have her do.

    But I'll gently and patiently keep trying to free her mind......cause I do love her.......

  • Satanus


    You have a very hopeful situation:)


  • rekless

    Tell your wife this story...

    My family was in the org. for over thirty years, We lost our son to leaukemia in 1989, and we were the family that helped new ones and old ones out took food to the sick cleaned house for the older ones sometime, and when I stopped going to the meeting regular and my wife had hip replacement surgery the elders had a meeting and voted wether we were deemed worthy to have the cong. fix a meal for us...guess what? The vote was were were not worthy, My son in law who was an elder told us what happened at the elders meeting.

    Don't think they will go out of their way to treat you as a strong backbone of the cong. if you are doing nothing, the bottom of the line is they operate on conditional love. You must meet their criteria or you are marked as weak and spiritually dead...YOU KNOW BAD ASSOCIATION, SPOIL USEFUL ACTION.

    Hope this helps you out or at lease your wife.

  • Makena1

    Outforgood - the title of your post caught my eye. We have been out for 3 years - however, a "friend" at the KH kept renewing our sub. Ours should expire for good (finally) this summer.

    My wife and I totally relate to what you said: "I refuse to let anyone, especially any religious organization quasi or otherwise, have that much control over my life...ever again. I lost about three valuable years of my life to that nonsense before I realized that they were full of crap. "

    For us it was over 40 years. Best wishes for a life of freedom and control over your life together.


    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Out4good3, only three years? How about Makenal spending forty years? Myself? Over fifty years!

    Yes, natural love is lacking. It is a sad situation and I hold no grudges. Why? Because I have a life to live. Extracting the good out of bad experiences has aided me to survive. I grew up at a time when the work was exciting, besides, what else was there to do?

    If and when you allow bad experiences to get the best of you, your throwing away precious time for yourself and family. Feeding negatives thoughts to your subconscience will only make you sick.

    Guest 77

  • hippikon

    Outforgood - I can see a real problem for you now that you are not getting the mags. Next time you want to line the bird cage or run out of toilet paper you will be sorry!

  • out4good3

    Thanks all

    I'm holding out hope for those boxes of magazines she's collected over the years. When she finally comes to her senses, I hope to watch the fire flicker in her eyes as we burn them in our fireplace...together.

  • TR

    Hi Out,

    Hopefully, once your wife starts to learn of the bogus nature of the WTS, her guilt(what guilt, she didn't do anything wrong!) will fade, as will the last WT and Awake rag, as they burn down to the last scrap of paper in your fireplace.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • nytelecom1
    operate on conditional love

    just like Jehovahs

  • musicnonstop


    "They never told me what was the truth - just a young man losing his youth..."
    - 'Bear Cage', The Stranglers

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