I'd like others' thoughts on this development for me.
I was disfellowshipped seven years ago and made up my mind never to return some two years ago. Most Witnesses have shunned me, of course, but there are some still in the organization who associate with me. One of them lives in Southern California and has never ceased supporting me in various ways. He has also never stopped urging me to "come back to the meetings and come back to Jehovah's organization". I have told him I won't return, but I have never been harsh in my responses. Sometimes, when he gets quite emotional in his appeals, I simply let him talk and then say I appreciate his concern for my welfare. Now we have kept in touch via telephone, snail mail and e-mail but haven't seen each other face-to-face in nine years.
Now there is a new development in our relationship. As I have related elsewhere, I have left my home of thirty years in Colorado and returned to Alabama to care for my aged mother. I believe I will be here for quite some time that may well be many months if not a few years. Finding myself in the East once more, I have decided to take advantage of my proximity to many places of interest and visit them. I am making a lot of plans, but the biggest one so far is a grand tour of the Eastern seaboard that will take place in Autumn 2013.
The plan is to see much of the Southern Appalachians, then visit Washington D.C., Philadelphia (where I grew up), Boston and New Hampshire since I have friends in both of those places. I have asked this friend to come with me and there will be at least two others who want to accompany us making a foursome. We are already in the initial stages of planning this odyssey with my friend actively involved and even though it is more than 16 months off excitement is building.
I was both surprised and pleased that my Witness friend agreed to come because this goes well beyond anything he has done for me since my departure from the organization. If the elders ever found out, they would disfellowship him immediately. Of that I have no doubt. A crowd of questions has arisen for me. Why is he coming along? Does he fully understand the risk he is taking if this is discovered? Is he coming because he is growing tired of the organization and wants more freedom? Is our friendship stronger than his fear of being disfellowshipped?
If he does go through with this and takes part, I intend to use the two weeks we'll be together to talk lovingly and seriously about my reasons for never returning to the WTS. I also believe I should tell him he should consider "fading" and getting out for good and all. He owes it to himself and to those friends and family he has outside the organization.
Am I right to think this way? I really believe this is a breakthrough and represents a golden opportunity to get my friend to reclaim his life. I want to be proactive about this without being fanatical, unreasoning, unloving and bullying. How should I handle this? The people of this forum have been wonderful in giving me counsel in the past when I had problems of this type before. You helped me design the best approach to my friend Mark when we met again after a five-year separation. I ask your help again in this matter.