the resuurecction stories in mt and lk v jn are not complementary. in mt and lk jesus spends a lot of time in gallilee while john only mentions jc in jerusalem. they have a similar theme but they tell very different stories in different places, different characters over a idfferent period of time. one gospel'implies jesus went to heaven after a few days , others say it was over'forty. go figure these stories are not a well thought out coordinated retellong of some history. the authors are simply making up'some myth,...
Quake reveals day of Jesus' crucifixion
by Vidqun 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
John Kesler
And the preceding narrative is also structured by a series of passion prophecies in 8:31-33, 9:30-32, and 10:32-34 which predict that Jesus would rise after three days...
Leo, is it your view that these predictions are original to Jesus or that they were put on his lips?