Etan Patz Confessed Killer Attends Kingdom Hall
by breakfast of champions 35 Replies latest jw friends
I read something that talked about how his "religious mentor" knew something about the killing of Etan. I will have to go back and find it.
wha happened?
now that is intersting. perhaps a confession to someone
wha happened?
now that is intersting. perhaps a confession to someone
If it was indeed a Witness that he confessed the murder to years ago.......... it might be a good time to trot out that mid 90's letter from the branch to the florida BOE about not turning in the guy who confessed to murder.
That piece of information would catch fire with the media I bet.
I really feel bad for this man's wife and daughter. They are victims as well. I'm no anti-media nut, but I do wish they would leave them alone and not snap pictures of them. I can't imagine being in this situation.
breakfast of champions
A couple things:
I was wrong about them actually finding a body in my initial post, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread. They just went looking for it again a few weeks ago and dug up a basement in Soho. Seems like nothing substantial was found.
Also (and this was also mentioned earlier) the wording of this particular article is rather ambiguous as to whether it was just Hernandez's wife and daughter who went to the KH or the entire family. It can really be read both ways. I'm sure more will be out there in the days and weeks to come.
I also read somewhere that the killer had confessed to a religious mentor, and that wording right there made me think "Oh god, it's going to turn out to be a JW, isn't it?" which was really weird because I thought it right away, somehow I made a conncection. And now this.
Either way, JW or not, baptized or not, what matters is that Etan's parents can now have closure (hopefully). I read in the same article that they had kept their same phone number and same address in hopes that Etan would show up or call. It's a terribly sad situation, and I wish that poor family the best.
Is this the letter,Skeeter?