Downloadable leaflet "Highlights From The Finished Mystery"

by cedars 69 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • processor

    Great! I might create a German version eventually.

  • GeneM

    Hey cedars, just a thought but have you considered making these read and look like they were made by the society? They would read it without the emergency Im-reading-something-not-printed-in-bethel filter so it would go straight into their highly trained believe-this-without-question part of their brain.

    They would then have to do actual thinking. You could even put the official looking numbers at the bottom with a date of like 2002 and they'll think 'maybe I just missed this'. As long as you don't say published by WBTS on there it's legal and ethical.

    If you do a bunch of stuff like that, It may even wreck so much havoc that they announce from the stage that it's counterfeit and we get some Streisand effect from it... Just a thought.

  • cedars

    Thanks to all for the kind comments.

    GeneM - thanks for that suggestion. However, I don't want to play up to the Society's stereotype of "lying apostates" by openly trying to deceive people into thinking the leaflet was produced by the Society. Instead, I've deliberately worded the opening comments of the leaflet to appeal to ordinary Witnesses and bypass the commonly voiced objection "that's old light"! Obviously, I can understand why you would suggest disguising the leaflet as Watchtower material in the hopes that it would reach a broader audience and possibly gain an element of notoriety. However I hope that, in the long run, honesty will prove to be the best policy!

    processor - if you could translate the leaflet into German, that would be wonderful! Feel free to send me the translated material whenever you feel like it, and I will update the PDF accordingly.

    jemba - thanks, it would be great if you could drop a few through some JW letterboxes!

    Phizzy - I can certainly appreciate what you are saying, and I agree. I don't expect hardcore Witnesses to go anywhere near this leaflet. However, as I explained in my answer to GeneM, I've tried to word the opening remarks to make them as JW-friendly as possible. I've deliberately avoided being overly critical of the book or the Society. I would rather let the material in The Finished Mystery speak for itself. I hope that, by taking this approach, at least some already-doubting Witnesses will read it. Even if one or two people have a "breakthrough" moment as a result of reading this leaflet, it will be "mission accomplished" and well worth the time and effort put forth by both myself and Alfred.


  • GeneM

    I respect that. I have more of a 'fight on all fronts' mentality. When dueling with the WBTS this isn't pistols at dawn. They fight dirty. They have unlimited resources, they are dishonest, they unfairly painting us as demonic, and they are destroying lives. People litterally kill themselves because of the society.

    If I had my way I'd be printing fake tracts and leaving them at doors and laundrymats that look exactly like the standard ones but say in grafic detail what the society believes. They could disavow the tracts but not the content. I have other tactical ideas but I'm tired of typing on the iPad.

  • irondork

    Nice work Cedars. I can't imagine the number of hours you sit at your computer working on all these projects; jwsurvey, various articles, and now this nicely done leaflet.

    Your efforts are appreciated. For my part, I will try to put this leaflet to use. The roomy was thinking of attending a portion of the district convention this summer (not completely out mentally, me thinks), and if that's the case, I intend to go with her so I can be prepared to address any mind-control being presented. I like the suggestion of placing copies of this leaflet on chairs... or in restrooms, possibly one or two just dropped on the floor at the arena.

    Highlights from "THE FINISHED MYSTERY" - along with a picture of the book, has a kinda WTS look to it. It's not deceptive, it just looks professionally done - like the WT literature. It might not be immediately dismissed as trash. It'll catch some eyes.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Was thinking this leaflet could be left at some of the fast food restaurants surrounding the convention site for all those naughty witnesses who didn't pack lunch.

  • cedars

    Thanks again everyone!

    irondork - I'm quite fortunate really in that I have a fairly unique set of circumstances that allows me to devote more time to writing and research than most on this forum who grapple with more demanding careers/lifestyles. I also find writing to be very therapeutic and fulfilling. It certainly gives me a thrill to think that this Finished Mystery leaflet could end up being distributed covertly at conventions this summer, as breakfast of champions has also suggested - that would be awesome!

    GeneM - I'm glad we're on the same page. I agree that the Society plays "dirty" when fighting us, but by fighting "dirty" back we only conform to their stereotypes, therefore compromising our objective, which is to get people out. The way I see it, we have a unique advantage over the Society in all cases, because truth and facts are on our side! It's always more difficult to defend lies than it is to defend facts. From that point of view, the Society are faced with an uphill struggle, and we hold the strategic high ground. Once you factor in the "theocractic warfare" or "dirty tricks" element, we're probably on a level playing field.


  • processor

    cedars - which program did you write the leaflet with? Maybe you could PM me the source file so that I could use your existing layout and just update the text

  • WildeLover

    Cedars, i love it!!! this could serious damage at conventions.. i wonder what to do ?/ ;-)

  • cedars

    processor - you have a PM!


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