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by FlyingHighNow 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you. Did you get to watch their performance at the BOA Grand Nationals? I love french horn! It's a beautiful sound.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's a picture of Julian and two of his marching band friends after the reception we gave them when they won state.

    Julian is on your right.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Julian before the home coming parade with his shako and plume.

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is the cymbal players shakos, jackets and their cymbal cases before the HC parade.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    FlyingHighNow, I hope I find something in life that I'm as passionate about as you are of this. Really great!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Breath, I thank you and I hope so, too. This whole experience helped Julian and I grow closer. It energized and gave us both more joy. For volunteering, I've never had so much energy. Somehow I was able to attend almost all rehearsals and all of the competitions, including one in Pontiac, Detroit which are clear on the other side of Michigan and then the Grand Nationals down in Indiana. That was good for Julian, to feel so supported. He also made good friends and went to a lot of parties with the trumpet section and combined brass sectionals. We had the band picnic and then all the football games and the invitationals. I took a ride to Detroit with the other parents on the "parent bus", very nice charter it was, too, for the state finals. We screamed louder when Reeths-Puffer won second place because we knew it meant Jenison came in first. Reeths-Puffer always has a very professional, polished show. They have won state in flight II, our flight, since 2005. So winning was very sweet. Sadly, their school shrunk just enough that they will not be in flight II or AA this year, though Jenison will compete with them at the BOA regionals in Pontiac Silver Dome.

  • Outaservice

    FlyingHighNow, I lived in Holland. I live in Atlanta now but miss Michigan a lot. Try to get back yearly to see friends and relatives (non JW's of course).


    The band sounds great. Did they play in any of the Tulip Time parades?

  • FlyingHighNow

    They don't play at Tulip time because they do the Georgtown Memorial Day parade, which is tomorrow morning actually, then they play at Meijer on Baldwin and then at georgetown cemetery.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The band sounds great.

    Thank you. I still get goosebumps through out the show. I keep saying to myself, "Those are teenagers doing the entire show, including the directing/drum majors. No grown ups. Wowww. "

  • FlyingHighNow

    I did an interview with Julian and some of his marching friends, just after they won MCBA State, 1st place. There is extra excitement in the air because it is the first time they placed first in State since 2004. That and with such a cool show.

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