Yes, I'm reading the thread right now that set off this thread, it certainly is...passionate.
I used to be a JW! Shocking, I know
by NewChapter 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No particular thread set this one off. I saw a trend, and that set it off. It's been a recurring theme recently, and I thought it would be good to have a little therapy here on JWN and address the trend.
Cool, I understand. I send happy Buddha vibes to everyone.
Enlightenment isn't all fun and games. :-P
I believe it was Aristotle who said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Logic is a wonderful tool, in that it provides a deductive process to see if an argument makes sense. But even logic only goes so far in determining Truth with a capital "T."
But living "in the mystery" isn't so bad once you get used to it. :-)
Dorky Dood---you made me smile. I don't know why, cuz I really don't understand what you just said, but I see you have been here forever and rarely post. What made me smile is that I have this image of you now as a person that rarely talks, but when you do it is to say something profound.
I'm not sure if this is true, but it did make me smile.
How do you balance these two idea's Newchapter ? (This is an sincere question, no animosity intended)
I f you don't stand for something you will fall for anything .
verses ........
I will never again be allowed to hold a strong opinion.
I will never again be allowed to strongly debate my position.
I will never again be allowed to decide that something is truth.
also there are like four types of "truth "
personal truth , human truth , social truth , universal truth
Truth is perception
How can a person feel passionate without some deeply held belief or personal perception or conclusion ?
I don't balance them Caliber. I hold strong opinions, debate them, and decide what I think is truth. It is OTHERS that have repeatedly been telling me (and others) recently that because I was once a JW, I may still be the victim of JW think, and am approaching life as the WT taught me.
There is a trend here on JWN, to tell posters that strongly debate, or posters that disagree with someone, that they are acting like JW's. They insist that some of us don't yet have enough distance---have not really broke free---and that when we do, we will either agree with them, or will not hold our own opnions as strongly as we do. My OP was satire to a degree---expressing frustration at this common theme.
I have been literally dressed down, put in place, and 'couseled' about my direct and confident approach. I have been told that I will change as I shake off the WT! Confidence is mistaken for absolute certainty and frowned on by some. Frankly, I've always been the kind of person that defended my ideas, and that was true of me long before anyone ever knocked on my door---that horrible freaking day. But now that I have a scarlet breast, some choose to dismiss and invalidate me as still a JW on some level.
It's a cheap shot. The cheapest considering the forum. Having been duped by the JW's, I have learned to question everything---and also not to waste time on ideas that I find are deeply flawed. I don't hold all ideas equal. Many I don't have to entertain at all, because I have decided they are based on a faulty premise and need no further investigation. Those who don't like that about me, will throw my past into my face. They don't debate the ideas, they attack me with Cofty's law.
And that is fine, if that is the kind of people they are. However I certainly will speak out about it. Directly and indirectly.
I knew where you going with this right away. I've noticed this myself, but I just laugh it off.
It's like a friend who points something out frequently and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It can be really annoying though.
" They insist that some of us don't yet have enough distance---have not really broke free---and that when we do, we will either agree with them, or will not hold our own opnions as strongly as we do."
Irony, gotta love it.
I knew where you going with this right away. I've noticed this myself, but I just laugh it off.
Yeah---laughing it off is always the best option. But it has recently become a bit more . . . aggressive?