The Little Aggravations: Things I Don't Miss

by simon17 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • simon17

    There are some major problems with the JWs, doctrinally, socially, and organizationally. From shunning to crazy elder bodies to guilt trips, there are many things that were really bad. This thread is devoted to the small, insignificant things that just really really IRKED you. Here's some of mine:

    * Getting called on to say the prayer for Field Service. I don't know why, I was always just waking up, barely conscious on Saturday mornings and just dreaded getting called on for the prayer. Eventually I just started coming late enough to miss the whole meeting.

    * The final prayer at the District Convention. Finally, it was done. But, why o why do you have to pray for 10 minutes. Just let us gooooooooo. Those were some of the longest minutes ever.

    * Having the Bagel Store forget to put something on my field service egg sandwich during break, like ketchup. After hours in the cold or the hot or the rain it was finally break time! Finally can get that delicious egg sandwich. Driving off and biting in only to discover a missing ingredient was so demoralizing.

    * Getting scheduled for being attendant during lunch. C'mon man. The one excuse to get up, stretch, walk around, and not have to pretend to pay attention during the sessions is the daily attending duties. Scheduling me for lunch actually makes it a chore, and I miss half of the break! Not cool.

  • Fernando

    I was probably one of the more addicted followers of the Watchtower, and so I must have been able to largely ignore small things. In my case I was also constantly kept busy with very big and glaring problems.

  • elderelite

    ROTFL Simion!!! those are all good... the prayer always bothered me till i was "appointed by holy sprit" an elder and i could call on someone else to do it

    now its meeting parts that annoy me... i dont prepare for them or even care, but to have to get outta my seat and pretend i do is annoying

  • wasblind

    Folks needin to catch a ride to conventions, askin't to share my hotel room while plannin' the trip

    bein' crowed and stressed.

    No one was allowed to share my room at a hotel

    everybody needs privacy to belch, pass gas, and scratch their ass

    jus' sayin

  • puffthedragon

    I hated being accounts servant. They expect you to be early and stay late for every meeting. They had so many little rules and wanted you to do it their way which made no sense. I got into almost a war with an elder in the congregation that came after us over the fact that I left our boxes unlocked and open (so that no one would put money in the box after I collected for the night). And this brother I don't even know is calling me at home and telling me, "from now on we are doing it this way". I told him to get lost so this petty brother made stickers and put them in the boxes "RE-LOCK WHEN DONE" and I ripped his stickers off. Then when our congregations merged he forcefully took over the job. "GOOD RIDDANCE!"

    I started putting insane amounts of change in the box so it would take him all night to count it. Then he tried to get the elders to council me about that. I told them I was a broke bethelite and felt that he was diminishing my "two coins of small value" and that it was all I had. Of course, I was actually making trips to the bank to get rolled coins and breaking them open to waste his time. Call me petty, but I hated that asshole.

  • elderelite

    ROTFLMAO PUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are my new best friend (aside from Thor)

  • puffthedragon

    wasblind I HATED THAT!

    People assumed because I was single I would need a roomate at the convention! Eff that, I have a job and I want my privacy. Many days after the convention I needed to drink drink drink to rebalance my brain from the training, and I didn't need some old single brother I don't even know rooming with me and taking turns reading the new releases outloud to each other.

  • simon17

    Hahah about the account servant thing.

    There were some DUMB freakin rules. The one that said leave the boxes unlocked and open after you collect was the worst because you always had to come EARLY to relock them. Why in the hell don't you just leave the damn things LOCKED ALL THE TIME???? So I just started leaving them locked on Sunday afternoon cuz our Tuesday meeting was next. Then I just started leaving them locked all the time to try to confuse the account servant in the other congregation and get him to do it so that I'd never have to come early. But that never worked.

  • Sapphy

    LOL @ Puff - that's very funny! I feel sorry for you hoop jumping poor brothers. - At least being a sister I only had to deal with cleaning the toilets in an approved theocratic manner.

  • wasblind

    I feel ya Puff,

    I only shared a room wit my daughter, I should have made that clear in my previous post,

    ain't no way I was gonna share a bed, an squeeze four people in a room

    I need my space, and privacy, scratch that !!!!

    I truly showed the fruitage of my spirit, at that time


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