My daughter is unbaptized but is recognized as JW since she goes out door to door. A baptized brother in high standing took some interest in her (staring, flirting, hanging about, hugging while intoxicated then keeping his distance before going back again and then withdrawing again ) and she ended up getting emotionally attached to this jerk & let him know. In between long drawn out silences he turned her down, saying "I don't know you" though he'd had long conversations with her (though would ignore her the following day after they had any close alone time) She said "All the Jw stuff aside, did you ever like me as well?" and he said "You're asking me something i can't answer." He also said "I'm terrified of..." but never said anything more.
She ended up getting really upset and word is he's upset too... can anyone give me some insight of why he behaved the way he did?