Got My First Shunning Last Night - And I am NOT Even a JW!!!

by Yan Bibiyan 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    Last night I go to the grocery store and see this guy, always been a nice guy, always says "hello, how have you been, we mised you at the hall" crap. And I say "never been better, nice to see you" you know the ususal pleasantries...

    Not last night.

    We go into the store almost simultaneously (from different directions) and as soon as he sees me he dashes towards the shopping carts. I noded at him in acknowledgment of seeing him, he just pretended he'd never seen me in his life.

    They must be brainwashing the hell out of the poor people!

    As for me, I have never been a JW (still an UBM with a very successfully faded Mrs).

    Never made it past Chapter 10 of the God Teach Book, and apparently, we discontinued "Studeis" are spiritually dangerous now.

    Any other non-JW seen that?

  • LongHairGal

    Yan Bibiyan:

    Not being an "active" person in the religion, I couldn't say what the policies are towards a "study" who discontinues. But I know from what I have experienced as a "fader" that certain persons will avoid or ignore me in a public place.

    The way I handle this nonsense is to just have a pleasant expression on my face and go about my business.

  • wasblind

    There are a few from the old KH that don't speak

    yes , it can be a hurtful thing if you don't learn

    to put on your new armor

    This is what my new armor consist of : My own thoughts

    I think to myself, this damn fool no longer speaks to me

    because, they think I would be better off waitin' on the Kingdom

    This damn fool don't even realized that the things they enjoy today

    is because folks like me refuse to wait on the kingdom

    why would I want to associated myself wit such a damn fool

    they did me a favor, by stayin far away

    damn fool

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I may have left the impression that I care, or was hurt in any way.

    For the record, I don't give a flying f%#k; just thought it was odd to shun a non-JW. By the same logic, they shouldn't talk to 99.9% of people around them...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I find it funny now, that the 'dubs actually think their little act of shunning makes them points with Jah

  • Dagney

    You know, I think they don't know what they are supposed to do. The org has created such a disconnect with humanity, they seem perplexed at common niceties.

    I dropped off something to a JW relative a few months ago, hadn't seen him in two years since my mother's funeral. I just heard now that he is saying "maybe" I want to "come back" because I didn't avoid him but talked with him a bit. Now he wants my number. I swear these people are from another planet.

    For the record, I don't give a flying f%#k; just thought it was odd to shun a non-JW. By the same logic, they shouldn't talk to 99.9% of people around them...

    You are right. Then again, they don't really care or talk to those 99%. *sigh*

  • nugget

    Wow it must be hard work for jws working out who to shun. Soon it will include ex return visits. If things keep going on at the same rate they will soon only be able to talk to one another.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    They'd better start giving the shun gun a rest, if they don't pretty soon they won't be able to preach because it means (GASP) talking to an unbeliever.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Wow it must be hard work for jws working out who to shun. Soon it will include ex return visits.


  • matt2414

    Yan Bibiyan:

    Is the guy a Witness? Could it be that HE'S been disfellowshipped and was trying to avoid having YOU speak to HIM?

    This has happened to me years ago. I chased down a guy who was avoiding me, forcing him into a conversation, when he finally tells me that he's been disfellowshipped. How was I to know? He had switched to a neighboring congregation and we hadn't gotten the announcement. I felt bad for him then; now it seems rather funny how I cornered him at Costco. I should look him up, now that I can speak to him. :)

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