Which bible Translation is best?

by NikL 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FieryIce

    I really like my NRSV but in researching I found out it is missing 22 passages.
    There is e-sword a downloadable bible software with several different versions of the bible to help compare, an aquaintance suggested it to me and it has been a great tool.

  • LittleToe

    My current favourite is the Literal Version by Jay P. Green (who also did the Modern King James Version) - also available freely on e-sword.

  • ozziepost

    Here in Oz the NIV is generally used by Christians. It certainly is a good 'read'. Since reading from it, Mrs Ozzie and I have gained such a fresh appreciation of God's Word, especially the Pauline letters.

    However we also have the English Standard Version - just brilliant!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Shimmer

    Boy Howdy, am I feelin' Biblicly ignernt. What is this NIV translation that ya'll are talkin' 'bout?


    p.s. How did ya like my hillbilly accent?

    Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL

  • Gopher


    Howdy howdy! The NIV, I believe, is the New International Version of the Bible. It is available at bookstores, if they have such in the hillbilly-land where you live.

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Shimmer

    Thanky kindly Gopher. I'll mosey on down to the local bookstore and take a gander at what they gots down thar. Maybe if'n I started actually readin' the dern thing I might get lernt. But I just can't seem to get past all them begats.


    Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL

  • Adonai438

    Nice accent there , Shimmer.

    To anyone in general, If you need a Bible, email me and I'll send you one free of charge .

    (Bit of Info, NIV translators came from US, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand and from denominations such as:
    Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Brethren, Christian Reformed, Church of Christ, Evangelical Free, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, etc... to safegaurd against sectarian bias. The main diferance from a Catholic Bible is not the translation but the inclusion of the Apocrypha in the Catholic Bibles. While the apocrypha is historical it is not held as scripture by the protestants.)

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