Each kingdom Hall is its own religion operates by its own cult leaders. (In reality, the GB has no idea what their elders are doing locally.)
Disfellowshipped Facebook friends?
by ldrnomo 25 Replies latest jw friends
Your fear alone testifies to the WT's high control by cult methods.
Ditto to Blindnomore...it depends on the local BOE.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
I think I will hide my friends just to be safe
Sad this has to be but I need to protect my son who is still in because of being married to a witness
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
You bet your sweet ass they will.
This is just the open door they look for to start trying to find a reason to go after you.
Remember the elderberries are nothing but bullies and they'll attack and shove you down to, if nothing else, make themselves feel better.
Jehovah knows your heart. Jehovah sees all.
Hello askduane.
If Jehovah see's all and knows what is in the heart, why are you on an apostate site?
Cat has Duane's tongue.
LDRNOMO...Another thing you can do, which I have done recently is restrict your wall, pictures, comments etc to 'friends only' and not 'friends of friends'. Maybe you have done this already. It's amazing to me how many people have no idea how to set their privacy settings.