Sparlock is the best.
I am so proud of how we've handled Sparlock!
by NewChapter 63 Replies latest jw friends
Wouldn't it be funny if the WTS decided to can the DVDs because of our exposure of Sparlock?
They can't deny they made it--the DCMA "take-down" notices they sent to Amelia Ashton are a legal claim that they own the copyrights to the Sparlock videos. The Watchtower have admitted it: Sparlock is their baby!
I love how these videos have become "Sparlock videos". That's gotta be really irritating.
I honestly did not believe it was real when I saw it. Do they not see how crazy it makes them look???
I honestly did not believe it was real when I saw it. Do they not see how crazy it makes them look???
I bet they are starting to get the picture now. I would not be surprised if they are not already working on a Sparlock exit strategy. The only thing I can remember that was this embarrassing (and was quickly dropped) was that crazy notion that the physical human heart could somhow think and drive a person to do evil things.
I honestly did not believe it was real when I saw it. Do they not see how crazy it makes them look???
I thought the same thing myself at first. It's so laughably weird and obviously cultish.
Apparently some Still-In Dubs saw it on YouTube and thought the same thing and hated it as an evil ploy from apostates. Imagine their shock when it's released at their District Convention.
We're talking Cognitive Dissonance on Steroids!
So funnee.
But I think about the fact that imagination (and fantasy as a tool to express imagination) is so important to a child's development - invisible beings, what-if, playing with little cars and creating narratives - all based on imagination. Now, that emotional outlet has been thwarted and stigmatized by the WTS. Do they not have a child psychologist on staff to advise them that children not only need, but must have, imaginative play, in order to develop properly - or does the WTS just try to encourage the development of miniature adults?
You know what is so funny---is even if 'magic' really WAS evil (and it's not real) but if it was----
Children have ALWAYS played magic---imagination is magical. How many of them grow up to continue doing magical things? I mean really. And I know that there are adults that do believe in things---Wiccans, Pagans, etc---but I don't believe those particular belief systems step from the same place as children playing with magical wizards. The one is purely fantasy. The other---that's religion---and more complex.
Correct, NC. Even if there were not a media to create magic and fantasy figures - children have always done that themselves - whether a twig to represent a 'friend' or a doll to represent a child or a playmate - that is imbedded in the nature of children and how can that be wrong? In other words, that aspect is not nurture - it is nature. What is wrong is to try to deny or thwart that creative outlet in children. It can mess them up.