I still never really understood what these phantoms ever did. I've read many praiseworthy comments lauding the site or people behind it. But in reality, what major good have they done to change Jehovah's Witnesses' views on blood?
AJWRB---What Have They Done???
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
The organization, probably not, individuals, a great deal. How would you measure it?
We are getting activily involved after a long lull:
First AJWRB.ORG Red Cross Tour March 2012
Zen of AJWRB.ORG takes a tour of the Red Cross Tour in Pomona, CA in March 2012 by Rick Samangiego (P.R. manager of the Los Angeles Region of 20 million people) and discovers some facts unknown by Jehovah's Witnesses and some doctors.
Whole playlist:
See if your understanding of blood changes after listening to these videos.
Listen: we know the blood doctrine is a fraud but how has AJWRB actually CHANGED how JWs view blood.?
Forgive my ignorance but from what I can see, Witnesses still won't accept blood and the doctrine is murky at best.
In the "apostate" community, over the years, I've seen AJWRB praised for all that they have accomplished. Every JW that I know of still stay away from blood. So.....I don't get it.
see what i mean?
You seem to be working yourself up here a bit. This may help as an overview:
and then watch the video here:
and here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzzOTOMCt38&list=PLDF36F5BFDB9AFCC8&feature=mh_lolz (This is the AJWRB channel of Freeminds)
next question? How would you like to participate in a blood drive, minimus? :-))
Randy Watters
i can only speak for myself, but that site, and the way the information is presented was the first step in me coming out of the org. it explains the whole blood thing very well.
Reopened Mind
Like yourmomma AJWRB was the first step in my exit from the JWs.
On the day my second son was born in 1982 I was told he would not live the day out if he was not given a blood tranfusion. Like good JWs my husband and I both refused to give consent for a tranfusion. We were threatened with a court order but since our son began to improve it was dropped and no blood was given. We were the talk of a large university hospital. For many years that cemented our belief that blood was bad and the WT was right.
Fast forward to January 2007 when an article in our local newspaper by Kerry Louderback-Wood appeared with a reference to AJWRB. Cautiously I looked up the site and began reading. What started turning my thinking around was the letters written by Lee Elder to the Watchtower Society and their replies. From there I followed links to other websites, notably freeminds.org, JWN, jwfacts, and others. Thus began my journey out of the WT. O, and my husband, an elder at the time, was beginning to have his own questions. We had plenty to discuss!
Minimus, I was an active JW when I first visited AJWRB. The site may not influence JWs view of blood as a whole, but as you can see it does influence individuals like myself to begin questioning the whole fabric of JW teachings. I would say that is a good thing indeed.
I would like to thank those of you who work hard to keep websites like AJWRB up and running. You never know how you will affect people's lives. You have certaianly affected mine!
Reopened Mind