I have been trying hard to do what I can to "enlighten" my family and friends who are on FB. To that end, I have posted many of the vids...the original GB vid, parodies, etc. I have asked for their honest opinion, and while I've only received two, by means of a couple who are friends of mine, I wanted to share the back & forth between us. I am hoping to keep up the fine fight. Although I haven't quite learned to upload/mirror vids (and a HEARTFELT THANKU goes to Danmera for trying to help me today), I'm doing what I can to expose these WTBTS/GB bastards for what they are.
Here is the exchange...any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.
Vidvir: A taste of what it's like growing up as a Jehovah's Witness (and yes this is a real video pr
S) I don't know what to say.
AK) What are your feelings about it...honestly?
S) Well...I'm torn - It's not a Jehovah's Witness thing either - I know Christians that are VERY against magic and such and I think it's RIDICULOUS. I don't believe that imagination and creativity are works of the devil. *I FEEL* God (howeve r you believe in Him) is meant to be loved and worshipped - Not feared because you like something as trivial as a toy. I don't pretend to know the inner workings of God obviously, but the God that I think of isn't some guy that holds every little tiny thing against you - He gave us free will knowing we'd make mistakes...And a CHILD??? I'm pretty sure he's more forgiving of them - He MADE us - He knows us better than we know ourselves. That's just my thought in general - Like I said, not really a Jehovah Witness thing but an "out there" religious view overall. :)
AK) Thanks for your honesty, S. I appreciate it so very much ^_^
AK) This is actually the second lesson of the video. However, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society/Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has shut down almost every video that have been put up on utube. The thing is, it is THEIR OWN VIDEO. It is part of a 15 minute video that is aimed at young children Caleb's age as well as his parents. This is exactly wht the JW religion is all about...ridiculous guilt trips and brainwashing. Because this new video is aimed at such a young person THIS time, more than the usual people are pissed off...and I'm not just referring to ex witnesses. I've gotten on some boards and peopple thought some disgruntled exJW did this or it was a parody, but nope, it's the COLD hard, unfeeling facts. I think it's SICKENING & DEPLORABLE....but that's just me...lol
A while later, I posted this vid:
Jehovah's Witnesses - The Cult Cartoons
S) My thoughts: Wow...A kid forgets to take off his shoes and gets an uber guilt trip? What about when he REALLY makes a mistake? AND he learned the first time? I'm pretty sure NO kid is that good. (BTW: Jeff says the lesson here is as fol lows: If you don't obey your parents, Jehovah takes your teddy bear).
I'm ALL about instilling good morals and rules into your children, but to control them by having them think a higher power will be upset with them? It's like people letting their kids think that God will send them to hell if they are naughty. People make mistakes...It happens.
I grew up Catholic (as did Jeff) and neither one of us can think of a time when our parents threatened us with God or hell. Anyway...Just some more thoughts after watching the 15 minute video...
AK) LOVE YOU GUYS! (yes, I'm shouting..I'm here by myself, so I can) LOL @ Jeff's teady bear comment. Thank you for watching. Probably the only friends to do so. But you are correct in your assessment of the vid-"uber guilt trip" as you say. It goes way beyond that, too. If you were in it, you'd understand more of where I'm coming from. When you're in the thick of it, you don't see ANYTHING wrong with things like this, but once you have a chance to see it for what it really is, it's disgusting. This is just the first vid. They plan on making a whole series of them. Ick. OBEY! OBEY! OBEY! Where is the love, for the LOVE OF GOD? So that's been the comments so far. I am hoping there will be more. In any case, THANK YOU to ALL that have contributed to keep the vids and Sparlock alive! It's so encouraging to see how the WTBTS/GB has brought us all together on this one. It truly is a united brotherhood