Good Quote!!! (Apr 15, 2002 WT, p.29)

by stevieb1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevieb1

    This is taken from the very latest Watchtower magazine and should be applied to many who sit in the high places of the Watchtower organization. Here is the quote:

    "It is significant that these two Waldensian pastors - Daniele Rivoire and Guiseppe Bancheti - expressed appreciation for the way Russell explained the Bible. Banchetti wrote: "I say that none of us Evangelicals, not even out pastors or theology professors, nobody knows everything. Nay, we have many, many other things to learn.......[We should] ...... stay and listen, not thinking we know it all, and not rejecting what is offered for our examinatin. Rather, listen, listen, listen."

    Yes we could say not even the Governing Body knows everything and maybe they should consider other viewpoints seriously too. I would just love to see what the aforementioned pastors would write about some of the curious ways the Watchtower currently interprets the Bible. My guess is that they will find that Russell's "old light" was closer to Bible truth than the Watchtower's "new light".

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    Time and time again the Watchtower and its acolytes miss the point whenever they quote from religious leaders who candidly admit their limitations. While Brookyn cites these as examples of Christendom's religious ``famine'' they blindly fail to realize how refreshing it is to encounter human beings, be they clerics or otherwise, with the humility to recognize their own religions' shortcomings.

  • Dutchy

    If Russel rose from the dead and joined the society today he would be disfellowshipped right away for any number of reasons, because the religion that is practiced today by JW's is far and away different from the religious beliefs that he held.

  • patio34

    Dutchy, that is so true! All the earliest ones would be, and yet the WT brags about their humble beginnings. It's a whole different religion now.


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Maybe the WT is quietly suggesting "succession" since the waldenesses have been around for quite some time. You don't hear much about these guys anymore. Light gets brighter.

  • zombie

    What's so different from what Russell believed, besides his beliefs that the end was coming in 1914.....and that didnt happen.

  • alamb

    I may be off but:

    I read of a group in Eastern Europe, I believe, who went underground due to persecution. They studied their literature and were very faithful considering the circumstance. Eventually the ban was lifted and the whole lot was DF'd for going by the old beliefs which had changed just in that time.

    Since Russell, most facets of their doctrines have changed. From Pyramids to Inspired Senile old men hiding under a cloak of legal protection and corporations. Don't get me started.....

  • mommy

    My thoughts exactly. You just said it way better than I could haha.

  • avengers

    What about this one?


    I am a FREE MASON
  • ozziepost

    Russell an evangelical Christian? You're joking!!!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

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