"My Bible Lessons" - WT feature for infants 3 and Under

by 00DAD 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    As many of you probably already know, the WTs have a relatively new feature series called "My Bible Lessons". This series, which apparently began running earlier this year with the February public edition, is specifically designed for children "Ages 3 and Under".

    Caleb, of Sparlock fame, makes his WT debut in the "lesson" of the August 1st, 2012 edition of the Watchtower, pages 24-25.

    In it, Caleb writes a letter to a friend that is sick. So obviously Caleb must be older than the target demographic. He would have to be at least 6 or 7 years old to write even a simple letter (assuming he's not a WT prodigy like Andre, but I digress). This would also fit in with the way Caleb is portrayed in the "Be Jehovah's Friend" video. Although there are few clues as to his exact age, in the video he says that he got Sparlock from a friend at school. Although that could possibly be pre-school, the general overall behaviors of Caleb in both the video and the magazine are consistent with a child of about 8-10 years old.

    It is interesting that the WTBTS would have an older child serve as a role model for children 3 years and under, (and by extension to the JW parents that would attempt to implement this feature as a way to teach their very small children).

    As a professional educator all I can say is that, in spite of the obviously messed up priorities of what to teach and what to expect from a young child (ie. obedience, rather than qualities like cooperation, curiosity, creativity and imagination), the WTBTS clearly does not know what age-appropriate teaching is.

    The referenced scripture is 1 Peter 3:8:

    Finally, all of YOU be like-minded, showing fellow feeling, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, humble in mind

    That's some pretty deep stuff for an infant 3 years or younger.

    • Q: How many toddlers are humble? Compassionate? Know what "fellow-feeling" or "like-mindedness" are?
    • A: None. Most adults struggle with these concepts.

    What a surprise. Once again the WTBTS attempts to teach on subjects about which they are completely unqualified. A bunch of high-school educated (or less) egotists attempting to represent themselves as early-childhood education and developmental experts.

    I'm thinking this is another example of their fraudulent behavior. Not illegal perhaps, but certainly unethical and definitely destructive and damaging to the developing hearts and minds of young children.

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    Interestingly, the w2012 06/01 had an article for older children (READ: Teenagers) entitled, "He Was Stubborn but Finally Obeyed". These guys are completely obsessed with OBEDIENCE!

    What control freaks.

  • losthobbit

    We should make a sequel, "If Jehovah won't be my friend, at least Sparlock will"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There isn't a single trace of research in any of these teaching methods. I see this as an attempt to get to the children at a younger age, indoctrinated to avoid "problems", at a later stage in their growth. It is very age inappropriatte. Children age 3 and under aren't going to walk away from that "lesson" wondering what they can do to be humble and compassionate. It's like the harder they try, they get further from reality.

  • shopaholic

    I did not know about "My Bible Lessons"...maybe that's part of what was meant by more to come from the DVD intro. I'm sure the JWs are eating this up.

  • 00DAD

    WH: It's like the harder they try, they get further from reality.

    Exactly! JW-land is its own little "Fantasyland"

  • wasblind

    The toddlers forced to watch the DVD and readin' that book today

    will become 25 year old single men and women in the toy section

    at wal-mart trynna recapture their stolen youth

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    because no one is better qualified to teach small children than a bunch of uneducated lackeys who don't have kids.

  • 00DAD

    DLL: ... because no one is better qualified to teach small children than a bunch of uneducated lackeys who don't have kids.

    And let's add that these lackeys are old, out of touch and live a lifestyle that is extremely sheltered and out of touch with the day-to-day realities of parenting.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I began to ask myself the very same questions that you raise how can the Wathtower Org. give out advice on child care when they are not qualified to do so. Where are their credentials ? They are treading a very dangerous road here it's one thing giving out religious advice appertaining to adults on how to live but its something entirely different when it involves raising and instructing children.

    I wouldn't take advice from them on how to raise tomatoes never mind children.

  • MrFreeze

    I wonder if the GB would put some things into practice that would make being a JW kid enjoyable, if a lot less would end up leaving? It is horrible being a JW kid. Endless endoctrination. Field service, boring meetings where you aren't even allowed to draw, conventions, assemblies, no hanging out with other non-JW kids. JW kids never get to have a real childhood.

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