Just had my first JW call at my house.
by strymeckirules 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Heh, you should really have considered not to reveal you knew him from your previous life, but tell him that voices from above told you his name. That would have made it very nice convention experience.
Ultimate Axiom
I remember those adrenalin rushes, but I no longer tell them that I used to be a dub. I tell them that my sister has been a dub for over 40 years and that I have read a lot about it (all true). Then I ask them about all the failed prophecies and why I should believe them any more now than before. They genuinely do not know that the Watchtower said that Armageddon was going to come in 1914 (or any other date come to that). No, they say, that’s when Christ’s Invisible Presence, the parousia, began. That’s what you say now, but up until the early 1930s, the Watchtower said that the parousia began in 1874, and then I give then a pre-prepared list of pertinent Watchtower quotations that I keep near the door, and recommend that they go and look them up for themselves. It’s really quite fun, but I haven’t had a visit for ages, except for a dear old lady who came around to invite us to the memorial, and I don't think she was really up to such a debate.
i have the perfect response .. just none will come to my door. this is what i want to say:
dubs: hi we are dubs and want to read you a scripture
me: oh good, two of you. we need two for the satanic anal sex ritual we are about to perform. you put on this smurf bondage costume, you put on this wibble, and can both of you chant the Ballad of Spurlock while guzzling booze and drugs at the same time?
10 to 1 they high-tail it outta there and never come back
strymeckirules that was a great response. If andrenaline is rushing it is very hard to have a productive conversation, as you will get too worked up. So what you said was thought provoking, and will stick with them for life.
i think i won that one.
probably had help but the jdubs did not score a point at all with the call on me.
i wish i could have heard the conversation as they walked down the block to the car.
those addrenalin rushes, i'm glad others get them. compleatly overwhelming. feels just like i hit a crack pipe. wind knocked out, voice shakey, blood vibrateing instantly. i don't know why it happens to me. i am not afraid of confrontation and i do like to voice my opinion. but when the rush happens i turn into a shakey legged wimp. takes me right out of the battle. i don't understand why.
unless it is the spirit filling me and stopping me from screwing up everything by starting to rant.
i'm starting to believe the latter.
Ultimate Axiom
I think you won that one too. And you certainly aren't alone with all those feelings.
I moved into a new place two months ago. I have not seen one JW walking the streets. I guess they don't want to save the people in my neighborhood.