I was just browsing through the April 15th, 2012 watch tower to see what BS they are spouting now. I was reading an article called "Beware of the Devil's Snares!". The three traps sound an awful lot like what they do to people.
To catch prey alive, a trapper may use a snare of
some sort. He may try to get the animal to come
out into the open where he can capture it with a
noose. Or he may use a hidden trap that has a trigger
and takes the animal by surprise. The Devil uses
similar snares to catch God’s servants alive. If we
want to avoid being caught, we must be alert and
heed warning signs indicating that one of Satan’s
snares, or traps, is nearby. This article will consider
how we can guard against three of the traps that the
Devil has used with a measure of success. These are
(1) uncontrolled speech, (2) fear and pressure, and
(3) excessive guilt. The next article will consider two
additional traps, or snares, of Satan.