Sparlock for halloween?
by twinkle toes 13 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Haha, I started thinking about a Sparlock Halloween costume and posted it down on this page: ideas?
twinkle toes
Can you hear me now?
twinkle toes
Ok. so I have a new laptop and my post didn't show up. All fixed.
I was thinking of dressing up as sparlock on halloween and then hitting all the JW homes. It would totally freak them out. We could leave little notes behind that say something like, Sparlock loves you!
I love that the Borg made the costume so simple. It's gonna be fun to copy!
Yeah, all you'd need would be purple sweats, a red belt/sash, a light sabre with a fairy star at the tip, a shield or an old hubcap, and a witch's hat spray-painted purple...
I quit!
I've seen plastic funnels the shape of the top of Sparlock's hat. You could use one of those.
ohhh good idea - I have been saving my purple body suit!!!!!!