On some level I think all JW's and former JW's realize that the JW version of happily ever after will not happen....well at least in their lifetime. I think thats why there's so much depression and anxiety among those who are or were JW's. The dream is only as good as your last meeting. As soon as you miss one or two, the plausability of it fades. The big hook for me as a kid was not getting destroyed at Armegeddon coupled with the idea of having my own pet Lion and Dolphin but I never thought much beyond that. The idea of living forever was one they implanted in my mind, I dont think I'd have expected such a thing on my own. I never felt I could, would or wanted to be as good and religious as they said God expected me to be. It felt hopeless in a way. I didn't want to die a Armegeddon so since I was already here, I may as well try to avoid going that scary route by doing what they said would keep me alive, but it never seemed to be enough. Now the idea of living forever with the Watchtower gang running things seems almost nightmarish in a way. Just because I was randomly born all those years ago meant I was here permenently for all eternity without any choice.
Now that I'm out of the Org, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will grow old and die one day. Sometimes at the end of a long day as I lay my head on my pillow I think I wouldn't mind it so much if I could sleep forever. Don't get me wrong, I think being alive is the best way to be and I always feel like somehow I'll figure out a way to get through whatever lies ahead just like I always have before. That's my happily ever after and it seems do able and real. Once you aren't afraid of dying, you gain a certain peace that makes being alive so much better. Day to day overall I feel more worthy to be included in any good future that is planned for the human race, should such plans exist. I don't see any reason why I should be excluded...like Hitler or Ted Bundy might be. I't has also been a relief to realize that there is no such thing as "wasted time". Time passes whether you use it productively or not. Happily ever after is a day to day goal rather than an eternity goal. And that is within my grasp...my power.