being a vietnam vet work out. born in 1950 means he would have been right in the middle years of the conflict.
How can the anthony morris the turd
by therevealer 39 Replies latest jw friends
St George of England
Just shows that if you start partaking of the emblems, the sky's the limit for your theocratic career.
Of course they consider most of the other partakers to be fraudulent, emotional or clinging to worldly customs.
wha happened?
I'm still trying to get my mind around the title of this thread
Anthony Morris III - GB member born in 1950.
" How can the Anthony Morris the turd " ??
O.K. Wha Happened ? - I'll take a stab at the meaning of the thread title as well. I'm puzzled just like you.
My take is Anthony Morris certainly revealed himself to be a " turd " when he gave a very self righteous talk either last year or in 2010 at a district convention when he claimed , and I quote, " I've seen what otter destruction occurs and have experienced death and seen dead bodies around me , so I'll be more prepared for Armageddon than many Witnesses. " I swear to God on my mothers future grave he stated something to this effect in his talk. Someone posted this a couple years ago on JWN . Just a wee bit arrogant, you think ?
So the thread title could either be that or new light revealing that Anthony Morris's turds are more spiritually enlightened than most rank & file JW's turds. I don't know- just taking stabs in the dark here. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I just spit out my tea reading flippers post
I've seen what otter destruction occurs and have experienced death and seen dead bodies around me , so I'll be more prepared for Armageddon than many Witnesses
what happened to the poor otters? Jesus can't they leave the little critters alone? So, he worked in a Tyson chicken processing plant? Will Armageddon smell that bad?
He fought in Vietnam?
breakfast of champions
You wouldn't believe all the beaver Tony the Turd saw in 'Nam!
ELDERELITE- Glad I could accomadate you bro. Peace.
GLANDER - You asked " What happened to the poor otters ? " Obviously they got too close to Anthony Morris when he was a soldier. He probably nailed them with his ouzi