The weird thing about the release of this video, was the convention talk. There was a message to the audience to not question the teaching methods that the GB are utilizing at this time.
Showed the new JW cartoon to my non-witness Girlfriend- Take 2
by KidKool 27 Replies latest jw friends
"The weird thing about the release of this video, was the convention talk. There was a message to the audience to not question the teaching methods that the GB are utilizing at this time."
Do we have any videos, recordings or even transcripts of this talk? We should get some videos up on Youtube. It might be another copyright fight, but apostates have proven that they can handle it.
I think the video is a good candidate for Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Animation Festivale.
"Our children will never be left alone with your parents."
Excellent summation!
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Awesome, just AWESOME!
KidKool - your girlfriends' reaction is classic.
I had never seen the intro to these cartoons, and so looked it up on Youtube. Am I incorrect, or does this guy think he is Walt Frickin Disney?
As a kiddo, I remember getting home on Sunday evenings (after a long and boring JW meeting), and turning on the tv. There was a show called "The Wonderful World of Disney" where Walt Disney would introduce some hour-long movie or cartoon. He would sit on his desk and talk informally. There would usually be a background of all sorts of cartoon characters. Anyway... this guy looks like he's trying to mimic Walt Disney's style. Not doing a good job. <shudder>
I watched the Part 1 of the series, where Caleb tracks in mud. He gets busted by his father who then has Caleb help clean it up. I think that he was grooming Caleb for following in his own footsteps as a window washer... or floor cleaner.
Anyway... I'm still shaking my head over this. Unbelieveable.
Jim TX
I showed these videos yesterday to my wife (who was never JW, and is from E. Europe) and she was very confused. I have told her how my brother and I had very few toys when we were children, since there was no Christmas - and we all know very few got gifts "all year long". She saw Caleb playing with toys on the floor in the first video, and then told he couldn't have Sparlock in the second, which confused her. She thought we weren't allowed to have toys at all, so she misunderstood the message. I never told her that, but this was her perception of what I told her in the past.
She actally sort of liked the first video, even though I said "don't you think it's a bit over the top, with mom crying over some mud tracked in?" She sort of agreed with me, but still more or less agreed with the message of "obey your parents". As for the second video, I think she didn't quite get it at all. I had to explain that it wasn't the toy, it was because it was "magical" that made it taboo. In the end, due to the misunderstanding, she wasn't all that outraged by the cartoon like I had hoped she would be. I guess it also kind of hard for someone not brought up this way to see the allegorical (to XJW's) meaning to this story.
Then I played the song "Listen, obey,..." but I had to stop it within 30 seconds, I just couldn't listen to it anymore. It nauseates me to even hear this kind of indoctrination in a song and I told her I was turning it off. We had a long discussion about how I grew up JW but she still doesn't quite get it, how someone can believe in such a strange interpretation of the bible. I'll keep trying, though. I really want her to understand just how I came to be the way I am, since for better or worse (99% worse) it was a large part of my life.
Amelia Ashton
There are loads of "Sparlock" videos on youtube now.
Some are parodies, some are critical commentaries and some are the Society's clips in their entirety some of which have been there 3 days.
I have no idea how long after a complaint a video gets removed but do you think there is a chance the WTBTS will not bother getting all the clips taken down?
First they have to find them but they must realise by now that as fast as they get them taken down we will keep putting them up again, if not on youtube then other similar sites.
wha happened?
well evenatually you just have to throw your arms up in the air and concede defeat. I'm sure the WT was NOT expecting how much fun everyone is having with this
Is there a link where I can watch the original version of the video? Just curious...