Did the generation change or the child abuse revelation spawn this many threads?
I've never seen JWD/JWN so obsessed re. Sparlock
by UnConfused 27 Replies latest jw friends
Not even trevorlinda/dannyhaszardgate came close.
Or the UN "scandal" of 2001.
Or the big snooze of 2006.
Or the near closure of 2008/9 for that matter.
I'm thinking it's a breath of fresh air around here after all the atheist/believer threads. May it become the new obsession so people forget the other one.
I propose a toast to any subject that dwarfs the a/b threads.
I think the difference is this is actually lighthearted fun where the other issues were rather depressing or stirred up anger and resentment.
I think this Sparlock nonsense is even getting more attention than "Johnny the Bethelite" and also all the negative things that were said about Rick Fearon too.
I find it interesting that so many grown folks are all hung up on some silly yet laughable cartoon made up by the Borg.
Now I'll just sit back and see if I'm going to be pounced on by the all the Sparlock lovers for saying it's silly, if so, just remember I'm stating my opinions just like you're stating yours . . !
It's because we are all mentally diseased.
It brings joy to my heart
Seriously, who is he?
Oh I forgot about Trevor/Linda!
Danny Hazzard I recall perhaps pepper sprayed some JW's, is that DannyHazzardGate?
I missed "Johnny the Bethelite" and Rick Fearon. Can someone give me the nutshell tour on them?
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
It’s extremely difficult for us to all see eye to eye.
However they managed to get us to agree with each other.
They strengthened their enemy.
A few more major WT embarrassments like this and the great Aposta Guild will unite.