I remember a Watchtower printed a story about how demons twisted (broke) the necks of people in Africa.
Demons and the Witnesses
by corpusdei 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When I'd lose my temper as a child, certain family members would accuse me of being "demonized".
Which, of course, got me even angrier.
Here's a tip, moms and dads...
...accusing your kid of being in league with the Forces of Darkness just 'cause he's pissed off at the assholes at school is - let's not beat about the bush - shitty parenting.
The demons brought my Dad into the JW's. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5681453662732288/on-subject-demons-have-story-tell
The demons got this guy 4 yeses on AGT
To be fair, fear of demons was a cultural phenomenon in the U.S. in the early 60's. It seems to have been touched off by a 1959 book by a French Monsignor on the dangers of the spirit world and quickly crossed denominational lines and even found its way into pop-culture via movies like Rosemary's Baby.
Alleged demon / ghost / supernatural experiences were common fare even in the Reader's Digest at the time, so the JW's were not completely alone in this lunacy.
Also relevant is that there was a craze in the 1920's about seances and contacting the dead. Lots of people believed in it. The WT came out against it and labeled it demonism even then.
Mike's passive aggressive "F&@K YOU!!!" to Watchtower...LOL!
Jesus Extracted 2 demons from men and drove them into pigs, which all ran a marathon to the top of a hill and plunged down from there into the sea, committing mass suicides.
Question for Christians:
Can any beleiveing christian perform such "Demon Extract and pig mass suicide" events today ?