Is Sparlock a violation of this companies copyright?
by UnConfused 13 Replies latest jw friends
No. You can't copyright a name. You can only trademark one. Even at that, there is no confusing a magical warrior wizard with a brick company.
Currently, it doesn't appear that anyone has trademarked the name "Sparlock", per a search of the U.S. trademark database. Though it's probably only a matter of time before the WTBTS does so, given the current apostate furor :(
I think one of us should do it LOL.
Sure, if anyone's got $375 to blow.
Forget the brick company--look at the pattern on the rug in the video. Does anybody else see what I saw? It looks to me like the animators used a well-known, well-defended trademark (the table hides part of it, but there's enough showing to be recognized as that famous logo).
What's on the rug?
I'm not saying yet, so as not to influence anybody else's opinion. I'm curious if others see the same thing there that I do, or if it's just my over-active imagination. I'll check in tomorrow night, and will explain then.
Bit dumb to name your character and not own the domain... What if someone took over and made it into a xxx website, and some jw kids found it... Owning the matching domain name is almost a must today.
what do you expect from amped-up window-washers