It seems that this Sparlock video will only have an impact on JW's, but it does have an impact on those that never even associated. I showed the video to a friend of mine, and shared the sensation that has grown out of it. He actually had a dream about Sparlock writing a letter to Jehovah! It weighed heavily on his mind. He got up and wrote the letter from his dream very quickly and emailed it to me. He wanted me to share it. Sorry, I can't get paragraph breaks to stick.
Dear Jehovah,
My name is Caleb. I would like to think with all the wise teachings i have learned that I have a good mind, and some knowledge. I have thought about my life as a witness so far and I am concerned about something. In reflection of my ten years in service to you I have been very obedient and loving. But it has dawned on me that the toy Sparlock that I threw in the trash to avoid making you sad, is bothering me.
As a child I need to have stimulation in my mind as to becoming a creative person. Sparlock is a toy, he only represents fantasy and fantasy helps a child develop in many ways. If a child does not have any sense of creativity, how would the car or plane ever been made? I am sure at many points in time that people thought that flying was crazy and ungodly, as would have been the thought of a machine to take us from this planet to the moon and beyond. In fact so many things that we have in our lives would not be here without the fertile minds of men, women and sometimes even children who were able to develop their creative minds.
Friends are also a concern of mine. Without the ability to have and interact with friends I cannot develop skills to become a part of my surrounding society. The reasoning behind this is to become a working member who can contribute to the society and workforce which keeps us alive. The thought of displeasing you makes me sad because if I displease you, I will lose all of my friends and family. I will become an outcast and be shunned. I believe in you Jehovah, but what I do not believe in are the men who make laws on your behalf to control others just to have them follow their own personal laws and reasoning.
These men use you as a weapon to become rulers of us all. They say that you will be sad, and that you would not like my simple toy, Sparlock, which they themselves created. Their minds have already thought of a warrior wizard and created a warrior wizard so as to once again try and use your name Jehovah to take my innocence away and make me their slave. Jehovah please show them their wrong doing so I may grow up a normal creative loving human and please do not be sad for those who use you and your name to take personal gain and control of your people.