Well, of course they do. Naturally, the attitude varies from place to place and some married women there get on well with the brothers and they don't feel that attitude as much, but it is still there.
However, if you are a single woman like I am, you are in another category entirely. I was not raised in the religion but came in as a young adult with an education and a job. They didn't know how to relate to me. I got "fear", "intimidation", "hostility", "contempt" or some variation of these from certain men there. I did well with elderly couples I suppose because they lived long enough to see the bigger picture and I did well with a few single moms or divorcees. Anybody who knew what it was like to go out and support themselves treated me well. The problems I had basically stemmed from born-ins who did not have a clue how the real world worked and certain retirees who forgot what it was like to go to work and seemed to have developed selective memory loss.
wha happened:
Interesting what you mentioned about that brother who said about the women: "where are they going to go. We're it." Well, I'll tell you where I went: I looked outside the religion for men to date! I saw what was around in the hall and there was nobody for a woman who was over 35 and had a brain in her head.
I saw the attitude of guys like what you mentioned. Some were lucky they had $20 dollars in their pocket and they weren't much to look at but some sister eventually settled for them. I wasn't one of those women.