Nice calculation lost lamb, a million annually is crazy!
Watchtower Cult Given $81,000 by City of Salem
by rrb2016 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Ironic how Watchtower loves to reach into the same political pockets that they publicly condemn as satanic, evil, wicked, corrupt, and soon to be destroyed.
Your term "Watchtower Cult" only degrades and sensationalizes. There is no way any publication put it that way. A newcomer looking at this board will be turned off by your choice of words.
If you can't post facts as they really are.....then don't post at all.
The WTS would do business with Hitler himself, even Himmler. jws would like to kid themselves that the WTS teaches that the US is any different than Nazi Germany, but they teach all human governments on earth are equally bad in their God's eyes and will "soon" be destroyed.
Is that not fraud?
I mean, if it can be proved that cities have paid the Watchtower sums vastly in excess of the cost of the venue, and yet it can be proved that they've given their usual appeal half way through the event "currently there is a deficit of xxxx" then that must surely be fraud.
Is there any way of capitalising on that fraud legally?
I do not know whether this is fraud or a violation of the tax codes, but you can ask the IRS by sending a letter to the following address to investigate it:
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service MC 4910 DAL 1100 Commerce Street Dallas, TX 75242
I have suspected for sometime that the WTBTS holds conventions because they are money making events and not just to keep JWs busy and fed. I wrote my concerns to the Treasury Secretary and wrote about my letter in the thread .
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Juan Viejo2
Decided to add this announcement to the end of this old thread for the benefit of anyone living in or near the SALEM, OREGON area. If you are interested, message me here and I will get back to you with pertinent information and directions as to where a local meeting will be held on Sunday February 25, 2018 and other dates in subsequent months.
Thanks to recent events in Portland, Oregon over the past few weeks, there has been rising interest in establishing a support group for former JWs, unhappy JWs (of which the Salem area has more than its share), and anyone just looking for more information about the Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses, and for those looking for a way out of our favorite cult.
Above all we want you to know that this group has been formed to provide positive support and non-medical related counsel to those who feel they need more information or personal assistance because they have JWs in their family, are JWs looking for facts and answers, or current JWs trying to find a possible way out - and also for those who just want to get a cup of coffee and "chew the fat" with some people who not only care about JWs and their families, but have positive attitudes and a real desire to help.
Let me know if you are interested in attending future events or just want additional information. We are also interested in connecting with and teaming up with other likeminded individuals and groups in Oregon and other states.
I'm sorry that I did not have time to announce this sooner, but it literally came together almost overnight. There will be opportunities in the near future for anyone in the area to participate. Again, just message me and I will provide more specific information.
The key word in the above announcement is "positive."
I apologize in advance if I have bent any of the forum rules.
Juan Viejo2
Bump -
Plus the kickbacks they receive from the hotel rooming arrangement -