Awake 1980 12/08 P.11 The Exorcist -"MANY REPORTS are on file {Where at Bethel?} of the adverse effects it had on those who saw it. Mureen was an Atheist...after seeing the film I knew something was happening to me, I was shaking all over....I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING IN THE HOUSE AS I COULD FEEL IT WITH ME WHEREVER I WENT....I knew of a family of Jehovah's Witnesses near by so I jumped at the chance to study with them...
Awake 7/22 P.31When the motion picture "Exorcist 2 was show on U.S Television, a mother and her 4 year old daughter in Whitchita Falls Texas watched it scene is said to contain cutting out of a girls heart to get rid of the demon. The little girl in Texas was found murdered in the same fashion. Her mother was charged with the murder..."