Words many of us hear live by.
by I quit! 12 Replies latest jw friends
I was just walking by my tv and Dr Phil said "A hard life is living a lie everyday day of your existence".
I quit!
That is so true Mrsjones. The hardest part for JW is working up the courage to set the ball in motions. It isn't easy but I think it is easier than live a lie.
"it's better to regret the things you've done than the things you haven't"
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
—Henry David Thoreau, Walden
I fear that for most Witnesses they will discover that as they lay dying and reflect back on their lives, these words of Thoreau may fill them with great regret even if they have never read them. They have not lived deliberately or fronted the essential facts of life. Instead, they chased rainbows and mirages and will see they have nothing to show for it except "a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises". They will have found that indeed they have not lived and that their last hours leave them with no time to change that.
compound complex
Wonderful thoughts we NOW aspire to live by.
Thanks for reposting Thoreau's words, Quendi. I am currently living - REALLY living, and doing so deliberately - by my own personal Walden Pond lying within an enchanted wood. Life is, of course, a bittersweet experience for us, but it has become more sweet than bitter for me ...
CoCo Rejoices
I quit!
I'd say Thoreau would last about 10 minutes if he were resurrected into Jehovah Land.
I like this one "One must still have Chaos within onself to give birth to a dancing star".-Nietzsche.
I like to think that in a real "spiritual paradise" there would be room for Thoreau and others like him. I agree with I quit! and his assertion that in "Jehovah land", i.e. the WTS, Thoreau would be summarily executed. For that matter, if Christ himself were present it wouldn't be long before there would be a second crucifixion.
CoCo hit the nail on the head when he said Thoreau's words are ones we believe in NOW. There is no way we could and would have done so had we remained in the organization. There is simply no room for real humanity in that narrow space. We can all rejoice that we made good our escape.