I was scared stiff of the demons all of my life growing up as a JW. You know the stories. I am WAY more open minded now that I have been out for 3 years or so. A few months ago I decided to look into hypnotism on youtube. I found this one that said something like "works every time"... (sorry, can't remember) and I was really getting into it... Felling REAL CALM and RELAXED... watching the screen in a total trance like state... Then all of the sudden... SCREAM BLODDY MURDER with a red demon like clown face SCREAMING VERY LOUDLY came up! I jumped up yelling, "JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH!!! My wife comes runing yelling, "JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH! WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED? After I calmed down I could't stop laughing... I got pranked... This could have given me a heart attack!
Do you still say JEHOVAH when scared to chase away the demons?
by Greybeard 24 Replies latest jw friends
LOL! THAT is just Toooooo funny!
Interestingly, Jesus is the name used to expel demons.
- Mark 9:38-39 "John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me;"
I didn't grow up witness, so if I'm caught off guard
it's usually a four letter word that comes out first
accompanied by the passin' of gas
That is a GREAT point Paul (jwfacts) But we all know what we were taught to say. It is a REAL hard habit to break. i wonder how many who have been out a long time and do not believe still do this.
Greybeard: I've seen that before. The one I saw was a car driving down this long winding road for about a minute, and then the red clown face popped up screeming. Scared the crap out of me.
Born and raised I've never pulled the jehovah card either before or after leaving the bOrg. When I was on the inside I thought all the demon talk was hooey but in the back of my mind I thought maybe I just didn't have the faith to see demons. Don't think that way now.
@ Kojack57
My heart was pounding man... I was in a VERY calm relaxed state. Then BANG! Within a NANO SECOND I put hypnotism together with demons (in my head) and I think this little trick worked way better than expected on me. It was crazy... I said it more than three times and I started praying out loud holding my wife while she kept saying Jehovah. This was no small thing... Then... after I calmed down and was brave enough to go back to my computer and watch it again, I couldn't stop laughing at what happened. I did honestly feel this prank could cause heart failure so I did report it to youtube
I only say Jehovah if that is the name of the particular demon I'm dealing with! Of course, I don't always know their names.
you knew this religion was bull, even in your moms womb , very smart
as for me, I was a dumb ass at the door. still kickin myself