$$$ now being offered to JW's as incentive to recruit and convert! Really!

by oompa 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Yes some of you gullible fools likely thought it was a WT offer...but you forget how i roll!

    OOMPA pledges $1000.00 to any JW that actually makes a door to door convert!..........THAT:

    1. has free access to the internet and has no phobia about using it for research

    2. has an IQ over 70 (70 down is historically considered mentally retarded-wikipedia)

    3. is not mentally retarded, brain damaged, emotionally disturbed etc.

    4. is a minor

    5. is not under coercion or being blackmailed into JW baptism

    These funds can be kept in a trust managed by otwo or robert 7 and any mods for all i care...and who knows maybe others will add to the trust and add any other obvious stipulations i missed................oompa

    if the trust is not claimed in one year we use the funds for a kickass beach party

  • Momma-Tossed-Me
  • usualusername

    Is a minor or is not a minor?


  • oompa

    correct uun...too late to change it now...but see you just saved me a $1000.00...i will change that when i run the big add in the Charlotte NC Sunday paper in the Religion section...and when i post the reward poster on craigslist in every state....and mail it to every congo......oompa

    maybe then some will see what a total waste of time and gas their witness work is....and if they do claim it i reserve the right to give them the money as dunkin donut or starbucks gift cards...since that is where they really want to be in service anyway LMAO

  • wasblind

    Some of us wouldn't need a beach party , a picnic lunch at Umstead park would do

  • cantleave
    70 down is historically considered mentally retarded-wikipedia.....

    Really? As low as that? I call anyone with an IQ of less than 150 retarded!

  • GeneM

    I like how you put in "emotionally disturbed" as your safety net since every gullible fool how gets dunked qualifies.

  • Paralipomenon

    One major flaw, I could convert and split the money with a witness.

  • John_Mann

    Interesting idea! I'm planning to do the same in my local newspaper!

    I would add:

    Have no JW's relatives.

    2 and 3 are a bit redundant.

  • oompa

    funny i went for redundant on the back to back mental retardation on purpose...glad somebody noticed! see to me that was kinda funny...and jw relatives are no problem if the are at least rational, dont obey every jw rule...and put no pressure on you...there are some like that........oompa

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