the bible account of job is interesting to me in a lot of ways. one job is not apart of isreal so his family and lineage cant really be traced hes just like some folk hero and how did he find out about jehovah? and have more faith than all his people? why didnt jehovah resurrect his ten kids? did he not have the power? its like if your kids gold fish dies and you just replace with another? how did those kids feel knowing the very purpose of their existence is on a lost bet between god and satan? speaking of satan this is his first introduction funny how bible never really says that was him in eden? but his wager with god makes me ask whos serving who? even a two bit comedian knows how to handle a heckler they dont get off stage and let them do there job they take care of it or ignore it! why god in his infinet wisdom didnt do that to spare years and years of lost lives?but i digress what parent if challenged "youre kids wouldnt love you if you abused them! ok ill prove it abuse them with my consent or permission and we will see! this makes no sense
The Curious Case Of My Servant. Job
by criticalwitness 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Interesting questioning. I thought of Job's children being killed and not resurrected as sad. The Job account seems to me to picture physical, material blessings if one is faithful. Job's new children seem to be just another material object being replaced.
Well that's what happens when you treat bronze age mythology as literal historical fact - you get a bunch of questions that no one can answer.
In the account of job did you notice that Satan didn't kill his nagging wife? The one person that should have been replaced with a more subjectionable woman who didn't give him grief. job should have been allowed to kill his wife and get a newer model. And bring back the original children.
Another thought is that his children being replaced is like your dog dying and Jehovah saying go pick out another kid job. What kind of B.S. is that
criticalwitness - good points.
Take out the intro and conclusion which were probably later additions, and you have one of my favourite bible books.
Folk wisdom was that bad things happen to bad people. The writer of Job had the balls to challenge that.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Why hasn't Jehovah blessed all his servants with wealth, happiness, health, and success? In reality, Jehovah "blesses" his servants with poverty, pain, and servitude.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
I don't think the story of Job is meant to be taken literally. It's an allegory for the battle between good and evil. He had some really horrible things happen to him as many do, and Job was famous for having kept his faith in God despite all these travails. It then gets interpreted as a battle between God and Satan and thereafter as a ruse to get people to blame bad things on Satan, and to attribute good things to God. It provides an answer to an age old question: Why do the good suffer?
Take the heavenly scene with God and the assembled angels. Satan just walks in and accuses God to his face. It is explained that way to illustrate an ongoing and fierce dispute between the two sides. What happened to his riches and children should come as no big surprise. Plundering armies were common, and Job apparently had much that was to be desired. The house of his firstborn then collapses after a natural disaster of some kind (hurricane or tropical storm?) with all his offspring inside. Somehow I don't think the Land of Uz was known for its sound architecture back then since there's absolutely no clue today as to where Uz really was.
His wife saying what she did is no big deal. What woman would encourage her husband further in his misery when they were both homeless, all their children were dead, while at the same time being completely broke? All Job could think to do was offer praise to God. I'd have beat him over the head with a broom and told him to get his shit together and find a way to get us shelter and food. Find a job and quit feeling sorry for yourself!
Billy, Jehovah bless them with riches but only if they ignore the Geebee's laws on education.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
The fairytale of Job proves nothing more than jaybooger is an asshole that thinks all humans are possessions and nothing more.