Images we grew up seeing.
by d 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ask yourself is this proper to show children.
In the world we live in, there is no reason to frighten children with scary images.
If the witnesses were correct however and the children would soon have to live through this type of thing, it would probably be good for them to be prepared for it.
Yeah it sucks that this cult is scaring children. But no witness is gonna see it that way. In their eyes, this is only bad if they're wrong.
On the one hand, I always used to hear stories like it all being over "in the twinkling of an eye". As if you blinked, you'd miss it. Yet they'd also show all of this destruction and people in anguish.
The funny thing I always thought was oh, everybody's panicking and lots of people look dead, but seems to me all you'd need is some sort of shelter from those meteors... Just like in a zombie apocalypse.
Why is Rick Perry on the cover of the Watchtower.
I thought I heard that Rick Perry was part of some group that believed government could help speed up the coming of the apocalypse.
There are ways to prepare children without warpin' their mentality
the methods of the WTS are surely detrimental and most certainly
On one hand Witnesses say, " don't worry 'bout tomorrow,
todays problems are sufficient enough ( when your job interfers wit meetin's and you need to pay your bill's).
On the other hand , spend your life worryin' bout tomorrow ( The big A is comin' )
Parents don't make it no better, they say, Throw that magic toy away
and tomorrow we are goin' to the magic kingdom
what is a poor child to grow up thinkin' ?
It ought to be a law against this religion, just for the childrens sake
" On the one hand, I always used to hear stories like it all being over "in the twinkling of an eye". As if you blinked, you'd miss it."
thank you for explainin' why some folk in the hall looked spaced out
now I see it wasn't all due to meds,
Damn fools, all of 'em
Couldn't find the ones where they maul her apart, but that was mildly disturbing.
Also I'm glad they clarified that the beast is dangerous, because I wanted to go pet it and cuddle with it. -
gah, post some pictures from the old Bible Story book.
Off the top of my head:
Flood focusing not on those inside the ark, but on those outside including a mother with a baby and a poor kitty on driftwood
Sampson with his hands in the jaw of a lion about to rip it apart
Bodies falling off the wall of Jerico
One of the female judges fleeing a tent while inside there is a man with a spike through his head
Young David fondling a lamb while a bear with it's skull caved in is behind him with its tongue hanging out.
gah, the images come flooding back so quickly. Even as a Witness I told my mom that I wasn't going to let my kids have that book.
Hmm, Jezabel getting tossed out a window
Solomon and the baby hanging upsidedown
Fire raining down on sodom and gamorrah with a nice "mom" shaped pillar of salt