One brother told me in the past not to worry about resolving any conflicts in the congregation, he told me to concentrate on my spirituality.

by Iamallcool 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Concentrate on your spirituality? That has to be the biggest joke of them all. Do more study in the LIE-ble, which was corrupted to prevent anyone from having accurate spiritual knowledge. Study the washtowels, which harp on obeying. Learn more about those deals and pacts between certain Jews and Jehovah--which are not applicable to any Gentiles and even very few Jews have to worry about them. Attend all the boasting sessions. Obey the hounders more fully. Do more field circus. How is THAT supposed to build you up spiritually?

    Or, perhaps they need more power meditation. Not the lame meditation they practice, but trying to develop one's soul. When is the last time they instructed people on how to do a void meditation, which is the most basic of them all? Most people cannot do it for more than 15 seconds at first--advanced people can do 15 minutes or more under uncomfortable conditions. Does anyone get instructed on how to open or close a chakra? Do they get instructions on proper and safe Kundalini meditation? Do they get instruction on how to open that "third eye"? What about using intuition? When a person is able to feel the chakras and control them, work on energy workups, raise both negative and positive energy and cleanse one's aura afterwards, and clear their minds for 3 minutes at a time without any thoughts intruding, they are much more spiritually healthy than the average worldly person--and leagues above the average "spiritually strong" witless.

  • wasblind

    " Think about it this way "

    Hello there Scully, thanks for that thought

  • 00DAD

    Actually, it's good advice if taken literally.

    The problem is, that in JW-speak, expressions like this really mean, "Shut up, stop complaining and do as you're told." This is NOT good advice.

    JWs you see, frequently say one thing, but actually mean something else.

    Since I left the organization three years ago I no longer worry about any of the petty conflicts in the congregation. I am now completely free to work on my own spirituality. It's very liberating.

    But I'm sure at this very moment some elder somewhere is giving some poor publisher that same tired bit of advice. If only they would take it on face value.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    We were told you can talk about whatever you want to each other at home just don't upset the faith of others in the congregation. That's crazy

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    In my experience the title of elderberry usually implies asshole, but maybe he was trying to warn you about getting too involved because he already knew nothing really gets resolved, it just gets silenced or sparlocked (kicked/thrown out like trash).

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