I can say I no longer care about JW's themselves, for example I no longer care if I see them in the store, etc. But I am interested in what the watchtower is doing, and also reading peoples stories, etc. So I come here every day and read. I dont think being over it can be measured by if you come to this site. In addition, you'll never not be an ex-jw, this religion formed who are are like it or not.
The real truth is that you know you've recovered when you stop caring about JW's
by gubberningbody 36 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think anybody really moves on. Even not being on this forum down the line you're going to have a moment where you will feel the need to talk about your experience once again. It's healthy to talk about it even though it doesn't effect you anymore.
I have been out since 1987 when the gave me the left foot of fellowship.
But my whole life!!! I am 85 now. Is dedicated to helping ANYONE know that JWs are a very evil cult
They breakup loving famlies ( mine is one)I never go out of my home unless I have my cards on me
& never come back in unless I have given them to a person whom I think might need it.As you know ( being Mouthy) I start a lot of conversations with folk,& being OLD!!!! People
are kind & put up with me. Of course my conversation always ends in religion( sneaky)
Then I am able to give the warning....Have had a wonderful outcome....many times
I LOVE ALL Jws...I think that the mindcontrol is so strong...I have to continue to do
what I do until I kick the bucket....I remember what a fool I was... I took beatings, cold water
chucked on me at the door, saw a penis at one showing ( havent seen one for many many years,LOL)
Maybe I should go knocking on doors again ( I know I'm naughty)))) -
On the one hand, not caring about JW stuff can be very liberating. A JW's life is centered on the organization and the control they wield over every aspect of a JW's life. For some, freedom is defined as being able to lead a normal life where you don't think about any of those things.
On the other hand, there are a lot of people still in. Some believe it all and will never change. But there are many who need help to see the truth about "the truth" and to cope with the shock, disorientation, and other issues that come as a result. Most of us were helped by someone else, and it seems to me we have an obligation to help others who are still in but open to questioning and looking for answers.
I've sent you a PM.
LOL @ Granny
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