Just wondering if anyone has uploaded this talk anywhere? I am assuming it is Saturday Inculcate God's Word in Little Hearts? I am really curious what the GB is telling folks to think about this thing.
2012 District Convention: Talk re: DVD release
by blond-moment 37 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I haven't heard a thing, but I don't see a reason for them to change up their release schedule.
breakfast of champions
I'll take notes on it today.
4:20 Inculcate God's Word in Little Hearts
WBF, Thanks for posting. I started to listen and found myself feeling ill and had to stop. I only got to 0:23".
It's weird how we used to voluntarily sit there and listen to this crap. Now it makes me physically sick to hear it.
00DAD - wow, that bad, you couldn't even make it through the introduction
nancy drew
Captain janeway great choice
Thanks Wanna... I just jumped around the recording.
It does have this sugary sweet feel to it. Same as it ever was, just irritating to hear it. And to think, I once considered going to one of them again. GAG!
Thanks. I found Friday's recordings on this site, but couldn't find any others. Thanks a heap.
Here are the two prior to this talk ...
3:40 Listen to Those Who Love You From the Heart http://www.sendspace.com/file/7hpe45
4:00 Rejoice in Your Youth! (Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1) http://www.sendspace.com/file/5l1nvp