What to do with our money (estate) when we die?

by life is to short 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Stupid religion.

  • sf
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Faith without works is( also) dead. So, maybe leave your money to a homeless shelter, soup kitchen or some other social cause that will help a community.

  • mP

    Give it to the RSPCA or equivalent. Most other charities are absolute thieves, most money never makes it to Africa. THe last thing Africa needs is to feed those fools who keep haing way too many kids.

  • Balaamsass

    Leave it in a small foundation for apostate web-sites.

  • mouthy

    Leave it to ME!!!!! They told us that in MY congregation over 25 years ago >.write it in a will to the WT!
    I remember telling the elder..." What money??? I didnt even own a pair of knickers I had to wear my hubbies
    we were to poor ....

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    They had the part on the meeting last night. Sick, a MS gave it and it was horrible he stumbled through the whole thing and sounded very nervous.


  • mouthy

    I bet the MS did feel nervous...Poor fellow.Isnt that the way the TOP GUYS work ,they hand out the message
    & we poor fools told it,They still sat in their comfy chairs,cars,& smiled at the puppets we were( he still is)

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    It's funny you said that we are just puppets Grace because I was just thinking that. Here I am pushing the age 49 and I was getting mad this morning. It seems just like yesterday when when I was in my teens and I had my life ahead of me. I was told to give my youth to Jehovah and He would bless me so I did, I did everything I was told even though I did not see any blessing but I was told to wait and so I did.

    When my husband and I pioneered we lived on nothing. We lived in a run down trailer, pioneered in a rural territory and drove for hours and hours. My husband was the only elder and everyone dumped on him. We never had a marriage.

    I was looking at him this morning and thinking I do not know you. It is like I am married to a stranger. My needs were always second or third or fourth to the stupid religion, I married a married man. He was married to the religion and I was the second wife. I even went to the CO when we were first married and told him how I was loosing it. The CO told me Jehovah was using my husband now and my husband was needed in the "truth" I could have him in the new system. So I accepted it and tried to be a better wife.

    I just swallowed all the crap that was handed to me and did what I was told. I remember my husband telling me over and over that my thinking was skewed when ever I brought up anything that upset me. I was born and breed to not question anything. I remember being small maybe just five or six years old and sitting at a meeting just like it was yesterday. The "brother" on the stage was saying to the rank and file I could not believe the WT attorney used that expression in the Conti's lawsuit but I digress anywho I remember the "brother" saying that WE NEED TO WAIT ON JEHOVAH. We never want to make Jehovah mad. We may not understand something but if we wait long enough things we become clear to us. If we leave the 'truth" we will loose Jehovah's live and DIE AT ARMAGEDDON!

    What a mind trip on a kid. I remember that so clearly. Also do not look at what others are doing but serve Jehovah from you heart. Others may not be pioneering but you are the one who is accountable to Jehovah for your life and what you give to him. If you do not give your youth to Jehovah can you really expect him to give you life?

    Such mind trips. Over and over and over. Now a couple of the old time elders have died in the last few months. Guess what they did not give their youth to Jehovah, the held good jobs spit out four to five kids, They did not pioneer even when they retired. Yet they sat up there telling me to and I was stupid enough to just smile and not question anything.

    Yes I was the stupid drone who was told when I was five not to judge others and look at what others did not did not do but only what I COULD DO and I was supposed to give my life to the publishing company and so I did.

    I just could kick myself. I cannot get my life back. What makes me so mad was here I was a kid and I was being sexually abused and not one dam JW cared. Now they all tell me your parents did seem strange. REALLY!

    Anywho it truly is water under the bridge. I hope there is a God I really and truly do. And if there is He knows I did it for the right reason, it truly was not to save my life but I just stupidly believed all the B.S. they said. I truly thought I was making God happy.


  • mouthy

    Reading your post darling. Yes your still angry...I dont blame you.It was forced on you from a young age

    But I went into it willingly...Maybe for differant reasons, I had done so much SIN,
    ( adultry,lied,got pregnant before marriage) & they told me if I worked
    for Jehovah maybe I would be able to live on that Paradise. So for selfish reasons...I joined up( slave work)
    But I am going to tell you I was going to kill myself when they kicked me out.
    But because a young fellow would have seen me jump under the bus. I didnt do it FOR HIS SAKE!!
    That is doing unto others as you would like them to do to you.I was thinking of HIM!!!!!!
    I was in Hell for nearly two years...Then I heard the testimony of so many EXJWS at Joan Cetnars group
    I knew I had followed men!!!! And at that moment I said."Jesus Christ if you really are there,PLEASE come
    into MY heart.." I know many on here will laugh at that. but ever since then... I know He is MY Saviour
    HE lives in my life ,I dont go out without first asking him to go with me, I ask him to guide ,lead & direct me.
    He has done so much for me. Since I invited him in. Your so young sweetie. Dont let them ruin your mind.
    God gave you that thinking machine( BRAIN) to do just that. THINK.If you feel you dont know your hubby
    have you thought of leaving???? You should be honest with him Tell him you feel like a second hand wife.
    I KNOW how hard it is for you.... But just invite a NEW friend into your life. JESUS CHRIST!!!!

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